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A colleague who headed an overseas editorial bureau of the Financial Times once called me to ask my advice: did I think he should devote more time to managing the journalists in his team or to writing front page scoops?


Easy, I replied. Unless the bureau was so dysfunctional that its output dried up, he should concentrate on news gathering. A similar answer still applies to a whole range of professions, from consulting to law to accounting, where successful lone wolves are celebrated, workhorses tolerated and managers quietly denigrated.

Rainmakers fighting among themselves for clients feed a whole genre of film and television, including The Good Wife (for law) and House of Lies (for consulting), full of back-stabbing professionals politicking for superiority in an atmosphere of mutual mistrust. Collaboration, by definition, makes for poor drama. But it does yield excellent results, according to a study of a range of professions, by Heidi Gardner of Harvard Law School. Summarising the work in the latest Harvard Business Review, she writes that when specialists work together across their areas of expertise, their employersearn higher margins, inspire greater client loyalty and gain a competitive edge”.
互相争夺客户的企业干将们为一类电影和电视剧提供了素材,包括《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife,法律业)和《谎言屋》(House of Lies,咨询业)。这些影视作品中充斥着专业人士们彼此暗中加害,在一种互不信任的气氛下谋求上位的剧情。本质上,协作带不来劲爆的故事情节。但协作确实能带来好结果,这是哈佛法学院(Harvard Law School)的海迪•加德纳(Heidi Gardner)对一系列专业领域进行研究后得出的结论。这篇研究论文刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上,加德纳在文中总结道,如果专才们能够跨越自己的专业领域通力合作,他们的雇主能“赚取更高的利润,增强客户忠诚度,获得竞争优势”。
As the caricature consultants in House of Lies might say: “Whats not to like?” Plenty, in fact. Getting specialists out of their own silos is hard enough; persuading their fellow partners to let them into theirs even harder. Making collaboration work also requires professionals to pay more attention to what my bureau chief colleague decided to ignore: management.
Professional services groups try to project an image of collaborative harmony to the outside world. But Prof Gardner says 23 groups have invited her to talk about her work in the past six months because their leaders said they were struggling to persuade partners to share their expertise.
I dont want it to come across as though these people are complete assholes, just looking after themselves,” Prof Gardner told me last week. “Theyre legitimately primed to think in this way.”
Short-term incentives, such as bonuses based on how much income individuals generate, or how many clients they acquire, skew behaviour towards the selfish. The hassle of getting together with colleagues is simply not worth most partnerswhile. Many groups favourthe rock star, not the whole band”, as one person interviewed for the Harvard study said.
Even if professional services firms can convince individuals to work together, the sight of more than one partner in the room can spook clients, who may suspect they are being cross-sold more expensive partner time. To overcome this hurdle, the lawyers or accountants really have to agree to absorb the short-term cost. Once the benefits of collaboration start to become clear, including the payback to partners when they share leads with colleagues (mapped by Prof Gardner), objections raised by customers and senior professionals should fall away.
In research published in 2013, Laura Empson of Cass Business School described one firm that claimed to have achieved such seamless co-operation between partners, partly by using the recruitment process to reinforce the need for collaboration, partly by paying partners on alockstep modelby seniority, regardless of performance. One partner memorably likened the culture tothe Borg”, an alien race in the Star Trek series: “The Borg is a collective. They are this mass of things that go forward. If bits drop off, like limbs and heads, its completely replaced. And thats us.”
卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的劳拉•恩普森(Laura Empson) 2013年发表的研究论文描述了一家公司,该公司称在合伙人之间实现了这种无缝合作,部分手段是通过招聘过程加强协作需求,部分手段是采用不问业绩、只凭资历的“同级同薪”制。一位合伙人的说法让人印象深刻,他把这种文化比作《星际迷航》(Star Trek)系列里的外星种族“博格人”(Borg):“博格人是一个集体。他们一齐向前进。如果有一些部分脱落,比如四肢或者头脑,这些东西会被完全替代。这就是我们。”
But at less cult-like organisations, leaders have to work harder to achieve such a state, weeding out toxic candidates for partnership before they pollute the culture, reducing friction that impedes co-operation, restructuring pay and bonuses, and underlining the value of cross-disciplinary work.
Easier said than done. Partners still prefer client work to leading, while outside managers lack influence. One partner damned them to Prof Empson asfunctionaries”, adding faint praise: “Thats not to denigrate [them] because they are very talented . . . but culturally we have a snobbery about lawyers being superior.”
Such ingrained attitudes are hard to break. As one person with 32 years of consulting experience has written in an online comment on Prof Gardners suggestion that leaders should turn away selfish rainmakers: “Yeah, right.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

superiority [sju.piəri'ɔriti]


n. 优越性,优势

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人



adj. 合作的,协作的

hurdle ['hə:dl]


n. 栏干,障碍 [计算机] 障碍 vt. 跨越某物

convince [kən'vins]


vt. 使确信,使信服,说服

reinforce [.ri:in'fɔ:s]


vt. 加强,增援
vi. 得到加强

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说





