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Revelations of large scale tax evasion facilitated by banking group HSBC should embarrass more than just the bank and individuals concerned. The Swiss authorities ought to blush at their decision to prosecute whistleblower Hervé Falciani rather than ask questions of their banking culture. Many may also query the UK governments appointment of ex-HSBC boss Stephen Green as trade minister in 2011.

汇丰银行(HSBC)协助客户大规模逃税的消息披露后,感到难堪的不应该只有涉事的银行和个人。瑞士当局同样应该感到脸红:他们决定起诉泄密者赫尔夫•法西亚尼(Herve Falciani),却没有反省本国的银行业文化。此外,2011年英国政府任命汇丰银行前老板史蒂芬•格林(Stephen Green)为贸易大臣,这可能也会受到许多人的质疑。

But the toughest grilling should be saved for Britains HM Revenue & Customs. Like other EU tax authorities, they have long known the identity of thousands of Swiss bank account holders. Their first reaction was to maximise the funds to be recouped from any newly revealed tax evadersunderstandably, since raising tax is the departments raison d’être. But in the light of what is now known the question is whether HMRC were too lenient, and should have relied more heavily on criminal prosecutions of what appears to be blatant criminal activity.

不过,应该受到最严厉的质问的,是英国税务及海关总署(HM Revenue & Customs,简称HMRC)。与其他欧盟国家的税务主管部门一样,长期以来他们一直都知道成千上万个瑞士银行账户持有人的身份。对于此次爆料,他们的第一反应,是尽可能多地向每个新披露的避税者追缴税款。这么做是可以理解的,因为征税正是该部门存在的原因。但是,按照目前所知的情况来看,问题在于HMRC是不是太宽容了,他们是否应更多地采取刑事起诉手段,对付那些明目张胆的犯罪活动。
It is not new for HMRC to be accused of leniency. Margaret Hodge, the feisty chair of the Public Accounts Committee, has charged it with losing its nerve in battles against corporate tax avoidance. She also accuses the government of being too willing to bargain with secret account holders, contrasting this with the harsh treatment meted out to those claiming too much benefit.
HMRC被指责过于宽容不是头一回了。公共账目委员会(Public Accounts Committee)那位泼辣的主席玛格丽特•霍奇(Margaret Hodge)就曾指责HMRC在对抗企业避税行为的斗争中缺乏魄力。她还曾指责英国政府太想和秘密账户的持有者做交易,而在对待领取过多福利的人时,英国政府却采取了十分严厉的处理方式,两种做法形成了鲜明对照。
The initial reaction of HMRC to the Falciani revelations was indeed pragmatic. Faced with a potential 6,000 tax evaders they offered a 30-day window to confess in return for reduced penalties. They had good reasons for an unwillingness to prosecute immediately. While this weeks revelations make tax evasion appear almost comically blatantbrick-sized wads of foreign currency, clients disguised by code-namescriminal prosecutions are difficult, rare and expensive. Establishing a fair line between honest mistakes and deliberate fraud is hard. HMRCs record is not good. As a result, just one prosecution of suspects on the Falciani list has taken place, with 13 investigations ongoing.
If prosecutions cost more than they raise it is understandable that HMRC prefers one bird in the hand over two in the bush. And despite the regular virulence of Ms Hodges criticisms, it is unfair to accuse HMRC of failing to do its job. The National Audit Office praised HMRCs management for maximising revenue and cutting costs. Nor are they persistently shy of going to court: the number of prosecutions for tax evasion rose by a third in the 2013/14 tax year.
如果提出刑事起诉需要付出的成本高于能够收回的税金,可以理解,HMRC宁愿选择一鸟在手,而不是双鸟在林。此外,尽管霍奇的批评和往常一样尖锐,但指责HMRC未能尽职是不公平的。英国国家审计署(National Audit Office)就曾表扬HMRC高层,说该机构最大限度地提高了税收收入并减少了成本。此外,该机构也并不总是不愿走上法庭:2013至2014纳税年度,与避税相关的公诉案件数目增加了三分之一。
But Britain has raised just £130m from individuals on the Falciani listless than France despite UK citizens holding almost twice as much money. Two years ago the government anticipated raising £3bn from a deal with Switzerland to let secret account holders regularise their affairs. This now looks like being a large overestimate. In the time since, governments everywhere have agreed to greater exchange of information on international bank accounts, to make identifying tell-tale gaps and inconsistencies much easier.
All of these factorsalongside the scale of the evasion revealed this weekswing the balance towards HMRC taking a more aggressive approach. Moreover, the value of a successful prosecution lies as much in the chill it casts over other would-be offenders, and may be much greater than the money directly raised. No one who commits a crime should be able to bargain for a pardon. For a long time British tax evaders felt they could relax once they reached the Alps. To puncture this illusion, more should face time in a criminal court for bilking other taxpayers.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

harsh [hɑ:ʃ]


adj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

avoidance [ə'vɔidəns]


n. 避免

scale [skeil]


n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围
v. 依比例决

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

audit ['ɔ:dit]


n. 审计,查帐
vt. 审计,旁听

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能





