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Uncertainty abounds heading into the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam event of the season, which begins next week in Melbourne. But one thing is for sure: There will be a different champion on the women’s side. Li Na, who won the Australian Open last year after being runner-up in 2011 and 2013, retired in September because of persistent knee problems. Li, who became the first Grand Slam singles champion from Asia when she won the French Open in 2011, reached a career high of No. 2 last year.作为本季第一项大满贯赛事,澳洲网球公开赛将于下星期在墨尔本举行,围绕着这项赛事有很多不确定因素,但有一件事是确定的:女子赛事将会是完全不同的比赛。李娜于2011年和2013年两次获得该项赛事的亚军后,于去年赢得澳洲网球公开赛的奖杯,随即于9月因长期膝盖伤势而退役。2011年,李娜获得法国公开赛冠军,成为第一个获得大满贯赛事冠军奖杯的亚洲网球运动员,她在去年获得世界排名第二,是她运动员生涯中的最好成绩。
Q. As the Australian Open gets closer, how do you look back at that tournament, given your run to the title last year, but also your previous success there? What was it that made it such a great place for you?问:澳大利亚网球公开赛渐渐临近了,你在去年获得了这项赛事的冠军,以前也在这项赛事上取得过佳绩,你是怎么回望这项赛事的?为什么它成了你的福地呢?
A. I have always loved this tournament. Players call it the Happy Slam, and it is, really, because of the great fans of Australia but also [tournament director] Craig Tiley, and everyone at Tennis Australia is so great and takes such good care of the players. I have always had a special connection with the fans there as well, and they have embraced me and [my husband] Dennis over the years. I feel a special bond with them like they really understand me.答:我一直都很喜欢这项赛事,选手们都管它叫“快乐满贯”,确实是这样,因为澳大利亚的球迷都很棒,(组委会主席)克莱格·泰利(Craig Tiley)也很好,所有澳洲网球公开赛的工作人员都很棒,他们非常认真照顾选手。我和这儿的球迷关系一直非常好,多年来他们一直支持我和(我丈夫)姜山。我觉得和他们关系特别亲密,他们好像真的很理解我。
Q. How much of that success in Melbourne do you think came from the tournament’s attachment to the Asia-Pacific region? And how important was it for you to feel like you had a “home” Grand Slam event?问:你觉得自己在墨尔本的胜利和这项赛事同亚太地区的密切关系之间有关吗,感觉在大满贯赛事中拥有一个“主场”是不是很重要?
A. It is definitely a little more special. I always felt like there were a lot of Chinese people coming to the Australian Open, so many Chinese flags there. My first Grand Slam semifinal also happened in Australia, and Chinese people got to know me very well from this event a few years ago. So this has always been my favorite Slam, and I am glad I can come back this year and be a part of it again.答:确实有点特别。我知道有很多中国人来看澳洲网球公开赛,所以场内有很多中国国旗。我第一次打入大满贯半决赛也是在澳大利亚公开赛,中国人几年前就已经通过这项赛事了解了我。所以澳洲网球公开赛一直是我最喜欢的大满贯赛事,我很高兴今年能够回去,能够再次参与其中。
Q. How are you adjusting to life post-retirement? How has the business development been going, and have you enjoyed having a more steady home life without all the travel?问:你是如何调适退役之后的生活的?生意进展怎样,你喜欢现在这种更稳定,不用到处奔波的家庭生活吗?
A. Actually, I have been traveling quite a bit, but I have been enjoying it. Dennis and I have taken a few vacation trips. I went to New York to help Nike launch a new women’s training line and it was a great event with about 40 different athletes coming together. If I were playing, I wouldn’t have been able to do these things, so it was fun. And going to Shenzhen is always special. It is a great city and the tournament is special to me since I won it and [my management company] IMG puts it on and they have done such a good job here, so I want to support them and bring something extra to the Shenzhen fans.答:是的,我以前到处旅行,但我也很喜欢那种生活。我和姜山也做过度假旅行。我去过纽约,帮耐克推出一条新的女子训练装生产线,那是一个很大的活动,有40位运动员参加。如果我还在打球,我就没法去参加这种活动了,很有意思。来深圳的感觉也一直都很不一样。这是一个很棒的城市,这项赛事对我来说也很特别,因为我赢得过这项赛事,(我的经纪公司)IMG参与了主办工作,他们干得很好,所以我想支持他们,给深圳球迷带来点特别的东西。
Q. Do you miss being in professional tennis? Do you think you will keep following the professional game?问:你怀念职业网球生涯吗?你会继续关注职业赛事吗?
A. Right now I am having a great time doing all of the things I didn’t have time for when I was playing, like traveling and spending time with my friends. I don’t feel like I have really been away from it for too much since I have gone to a few tennis tournaments. I still follow what is going on, especially with the Asian players. It has been so exciting to watch Kei Nishikori play so well and carry the torch for Asian tennis.答:现在我过得很好,做着各种打球时没时间做的事,比如旅游,和朋友们在一起之类的。我觉得我并没有真正离开职业网球,因为我去过几项赛事。我仍然在跟进网球界的事,特别是关于亚洲选手方面。锦织圭的出色表现让人兴奋,他接过了亚洲网球的火炬。
Q. What did you make of Nishikori’s move into the top five, and do you think he can be the same sort of pioneer on the men’s side in Asian tennis as you were on the women’s side?问:锦织圭打入世界排名第五,你怎么看?你觉得他能在男子亚洲网坛发挥和你在女子亚洲网坛同样的作用吗?
A. Kei is a very good player, and I think he will keep improving not just on court but also in his mind. He showed so much last year of his talent but also how mentally strong he is. I think this will be a big year for him and he will keep improving. He is a very hard worker and I am happy to see him do well. Really nice person, too!答:锦织圭是个很优秀的选手,我觉得不仅是场上的技巧,他的思想也会更成熟。去年他不仅表现出卓越的才华,而且让世人看到他的意志也很强大。我觉得今年他会有所收获,他还会继续进步。他训练非常刻苦,我很高兴看到他的成绩。另外他人也真的很好!
Q. How are your plans for an academy going? How close are you to finding a location, and have you decided more about the sort of philosophy you want?问:你的办学事业进展怎样?找好地点了吗?你觉得你的办学方针会是怎样的?
A. It is moving along fine. We have already narrowed down the choices and we are talking to the city that we will choose to build the first Li Na Tennis Academy with. Having said that, we are still receiving new offers from the different city governments these days. I want children to play tennis and receive a good education in the academy. They will have the freedom to choose if they want to turn professional or go academic. They can also just be like other kids: enjoy a normal childhood and the fun that playing sports brings to them.答:一切顺利。我们已经缩小了选择范围,正在和一个城市谈,我们打算在那里建立第一座李娜网球学校。说到这个,到现在我们还在不断接到不同城市政府的邀请。我希望孩子们能在这个学校里打网球,同时接受良好的教育。将来是从事职业网球,还是继续求学,他们可以自由选择。他们也可以像其他孩子们一样,享受正常的童年,享受体育带来的乐趣。
I also want to help the kids who love to learn tennis but do not have the money. We will work with big companies and set up scholarships for these talented kids and motivate them to strive for the best. It is still in early stages, so lots of work to be done.我也希望帮助那些想学网球但没有钱的孩子们。我们会和大公司合作,为有天赋的孩子设立奖学金,鼓励他们努力做到最好。现在这些还在筹备阶段,还有很多工作要做。
Q. What do you expect from this year of women’s tennis? Do you think Serena Williams will stay on top, or will a new face emerge?问:你对今年的女子网球有什么展望,你觉得小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)还会保持在首位吗?还是会有新面孔崛起?
A. Serena is always tough. As long as she wants to be at the top, she will be, because she is such a good player with a mind of a champion. I think Maria Sharapova is going to have a great year — she is just so committed to the sport and will always give herself a chance. Petra Kvitova is definitely going to have a big year; she really worked on her fitness and has gotten so much quicker on the court. She is always the player to beat.答:小威一直很强。只要她愿意,就能一直保持头名,因为她是个很优秀的球员,而且有着势在必得的决心。我觉得玛利亚·莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)今年也会很不错——她一直在为这项运动而努力,一直都在为自己争取机会。佩特拉·科维托娃(Petra Kvitova)今年也肯定会有上佳表现,她一直都在健身,而且速度提高了那么多。她一直都是个有实力的选手。
It is nice to see younger girls playing well like Madison Keys and Garbiñe Muguruza; I see both of them as future Grand Slam champions. Madison is so talented and has a big future. There is a whole new generation of young players who are so talented and that is so great for fans to see. Definitely an exciting time for women’s tennis.看到麦迪逊·凯斯(Madison Keys)和加碧妮·穆古鲁扎(Garbiñe Muguruza)这些年轻姑娘们表现出色也让人欣慰,我觉得她俩都是未来大满贯冠军的有力竞争者。麦迪逊很有天赋,前途无量。新一代年轻选手都很有天赋,球迷们有福了。现在的女子网球真的非常令人兴奋。
Uncertainty abounds heading into the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam event of the season, which begins next week in Melbourne. But one thing is for sure: There will be a different champion on the women’s side. Li Na, who won the Australian Open last year after being runner-up in 2011 and 2013, retired in September because of persistent knee problems. Li, who became the first Grand Slam singles champion from Asia when she won the French Open in 2011, reached a career high of No. 2 last year.
Q. As the Australian Open gets closer, how do you look back at that tournament, given your run to the title last year, but also your previous success there? What was it that made it such a great place for you?
A. I have always loved this tournament. Players call it the Happy Slam, and it is, really, because of the great fans of Australia but also [tournament director] Craig Tiley, and everyone at Tennis Australia is so great and takes such good care of the players. I have always had a special connection with the fans there as well, and they have embraced me and [my husband] Dennis over the years. I feel a special bond with them like they really understand me.
Q. How much of that success in Melbourne do you think came from the tournaments attachment to the Asia-Pacific region? And how important was it for you to feel like you had ahomeGrand Slam event?
A. It is definitely a little more special. I always felt like there were a lot of Chinese people coming to the Australian Open, so many Chinese flags there. My first Grand Slam semifinal also happened in Australia, and Chinese people got to know me very well from this event a few years ago. So this has always been my favorite Slam, and I am glad I can come back this year and be a part of it again.
Q. How are you adjusting to life post-retirement? How has the business development been going, and have you enjoyed having a more steady home life without all the travel?
A. Actually, I have been traveling quite a bit, but I have been enjoying it. Dennis and I have taken a few vacation trips. I went to New York to help Nike launch a new womens training line and it was a great event with about 40 different athletes coming together. If I were playing, I wouldnt have been able to do these things, so it was fun. And going to Shenzhen is always special. It is a great city and the tournament is special to me since I won it and [my management company] IMG puts it on and they have done such a good job here, so I want to support them and bring something extra to the Shenzhen fans.
Q. Do you miss being in professional tennis? Do you think you will keep following the professional game?
A. Right now I am having a great time doing all of the things I didnt have time for when I was playing, like traveling and spending time with my friends. I dont feel like I have really been away from it for too much since I have gone to a few tennis tournaments. I still follow what is going on, especially with the Asian players. It has been so exciting to watch Kei Nishikori play so well and carry the torch for Asian tennis.
Q. What did you make of Nishikoris move into the top five, and do you think he can be the same sort of pioneer on the mens side in Asian tennis as you were on the womens side?
A. Kei is a very good player, and I think he will keep improving not just on court but also in his mind. He showed so much last year of his talent but also how mentally strong he is. I think this will be a big year for him and he will keep improving. He is a very hard worker and I am happy to see him do well. Really nice person, too!
Q. How are your plans for an academy going? How close are you to finding a location, and have you decided more about the sort of philosophy you want?
A. It is moving along fine. We have already narrowed down the choices and we are talking to the city that we will choose to build the first Li Na Tennis Academy with. Having said that, we are still receiving new offers from the different city governments these days. I want children to play tennis and receive a good education in the academy. They will have the freedom to choose if they want to turn professional or go academic. They can also just be like other kids: enjoy a normal childhood and the fun that playing sports brings to them.
I also want to help the kids who love to learn tennis but do not have the money. We will work with big companies and set up scholarships for these talented kids and motivate them to strive for the best. It is still in early stages, so lots of work to be done.
Q. What do you expect from this year of womens tennis? Do you think Serena Williams will stay on top, or will a new face emerge?
A. Serena is always tough. As long as she wants to be at the top, she will be, because she is such a good player with a mind of a champion. I think Maria Sharapova is going to have a great yearshe is just so committed to the sport and will always give herself a chance. Petra Kvitova is definitely going to have a big year; she really worked on her fitness and has gotten so much quicker on the court. She is always the player to beat.
It is nice to see younger girls playing well like Madison Keys and Garbiñe Muguruza; I see both of them as future Grand Slam champions. Madison is so talented and has a big future. There is a whole new generation of young players who are so talented and that is so great for fans to see. Definitely an exciting time for women’s tennis.

答:我一直都很喜欢这项赛事,选手们都管它叫“快乐满贯”,确实是这样,因为澳大利亚的球迷都很棒,(组委会主席)克莱格·泰利(Craig Tiley)也很好,所有澳洲网球公开赛的工作人员都很棒,他们非常认真照顾选手。我和这儿的球迷关系一直非常好,多年来他们一直支持我和(我丈夫)姜山。我觉得和他们关系特别亲密,他们好像真的很理解我。
问:你对今年的女子网球有什么展望,你觉得小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)还会保持在首位吗?还是会有新面孔崛起?
答:小威一直很强。只要她愿意,就能一直保持头名,因为她是个很优秀的球员,而且有着势在必得的决心。我觉得玛利亚·莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)今年也会很不错——她一直在为这项运动而努力,一直都在为自己争取机会。佩特拉·科维托娃(Petra Kvitova)今年也肯定会有上佳表现,她一直都在健身,而且速度提高了那么多。她一直都是个有实力的选手。
看到麦迪逊·凯斯(Madison Keys)和加碧妮·穆古鲁扎(Garbiñe Muguruza)这些年轻姑娘们表现出色也让人欣慰,我觉得她俩都是未来大满贯冠军的有力竞争者。麦迪逊很有天赋,前途无量。新一代年轻选手都很有天赋,球迷们有福了。现在的女子网球真的非常令人兴奋。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

emerge [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

strive [straiv]


vi. 奋斗,努力,力求

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

uncertainty [ʌn'sə:tnti]


n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑 (学术)不可信度; 偏差

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

motivate ['məutiveit]


vt. 给与动机,激发(兴趣或欲望)

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

tournament ['tuənəmənt]


n. 比赛,锦标赛,(中世纪的)骑士比武

attachment [ə'tætʃmənt]


n. 附件,附著,附属物,依恋,忠诚,依赖





