As NASA prepares for the debut test flight of the first spaceship in more than 40 years to carry astronauts beyond Earth, a fleet of privately owned vehicles is in development to take over transportation services to and from orbits closer to home.
Whether heading to the International Space Station, which flies about 260 miles above the planet, or other destinations, the journeys begin with rocket rides that have enough muscle to counteract Earth's gravity and get their cargo traveling at speeds of at least 17,500 mph to achieve orbit.

NASA, for example, is using the biggest booster in the U.S. fleet, a Delta 4 Heavy, to shoot its Orion deep-space capsule as far as 3,600 miles from Earth during a test flight scheduled for Thursday. The key point of the test is to get Orion moving at about 20,000 mph before it slams into Earth's atmosphere to test its heat shield.
Even suborbital spaceships, such as Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo and XCOR Aerospace's Lynx space place, rely on rocket power to leave the atmosphere, though gravity quickly pulls them back to Earth. They don't necessarily have to launch from land, however.
SpaceShipTwo, for example, is carried by airplane and released mid-air to fire its rocket, a design also used by the experimental X-15 space plane in the 1960s. Air-launching uses smaller rockets than those needed for similar ground-based flights, eliminates the need for expensive launch pads and opens options for launch sites, since the planes can take off from commercial runways.
More diverse are the spacecraft designs the companies have chosen, reflecting not only different technical solutions to the challenges of flying people beyond Earth, but also their alternative visions of the future.
NASA preceded its so-called Commercial Crew development effort with a program to buy flights for space station cargo. Two U.S. supply lines are now running, though one operator, Orbital Sciences Corp, is regrouping after a launch accident last month. The other company flying cargo for NASA is California-based Space Exploration Technologies, owned and run by technology entrepreneur Elon Musk.
From the start, SpaceX designed its Dragon capsule to not only fly cargo, but also crew. "Cargo doesn't need windows," Musk quipped before the capsule's first flight to the space station in 2012. Upgrades are underway to add life support equipment, seating and an escape system for crew, but SpaceX has even grander ambitions for its gumdrop-shaped Dragon. It isdesigned to fly people to Mars.
从一开始,SpaceX公司设计了“龙”太空舱不仅飞货物,而且能飞船员。马斯克在太空舱2012年第一次飞往国际空间站时打趣道:“货物不需要windows。升级正在进行中,以添加生命支持设备、座椅和一个宇航员逃生系统,但SpaceX 对于具有三层保护装置的太空舱有更大的保护。它的目的是带人们飞往火星。
"The long-term ambition of SpaceX is to develop the technologies to establish a self-sustaining civilization on Mars … Wings and runways don't really work if you're going somewhere other than Earth," Musk said at a Massachusetts Institute of Technology symposium in September.
Boeing, too, chose a capsule design for its planned space taxi, known as the Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100. "The conical shape is inherently stable as we re-enter the atmosphere," Chris Ferguson, Boeing director of Crew and Mission Systems, said in an interview with Reuters.
The capsule, which parachutes to a splashdown in the ocean or a touchdown on land, is intended to improve astronaut safety, added Ferguson, a former NASA space shuttle pilot and commander.
Boeing plans to modify the CST-100 if it wins a second NASA solicitation, currently underway, to fly cargo to the station. Cargo and crew would fly separately.
如果赢得下一个NASA订单波音公司不得不暂停cst - 100计划,因为货物和船员分别要开飞。
"I lived through the (space shuttle) Columbia accident in 2003 and one of the conclusions … was that that including the payload with the people was not the wisest choice. We carried 50,000 pounds of payload (on the shuttle), which was incredible, and up to seven people. But to make the systems safe to carry passengers, you have to make a fairly large vehicle. We think it is a much better approach to have the people and the cargo travel in different vehicles," he said.
Capsules may be simpler to fly and cheaper to build, but they do have limitations. Sierra Nevada's winged Dream Chaser, for example, resembles a miniature space shuttle, with an aerodynamically shaped body and wings so it can fly back from space, rather than make a ballistic plunge through the atmosphere like capsules.
太空舱可能是简单和便宜的飞行器,但它们确实有局限性。例如内华达山脉股份公司Sierra Nevada Corporation,简称SNC的有翼的追梦者号,就像一个拥有翅膀和无阻力设计主体的迷你航天飞机,这样就可以从太空飞回来而不是靠穿越大气层的火箭。
"We come back with a significantly lower g-force during re-entry," said Sierra Nevada Vice President Mark Sirangelo, referring to "gravity force" or a measure of acceleration."We're about 2 gs and most capsules are 4- to 6. That protects returning experiments and crew," Sirangelo said in an interview.
“返回过程是一个显著下降的低重力过程,“内华达副总裁Mark Sirangelo说,他指的是“地心引力”或加速度的测量。“我们的约是2 gs但是大多数太空舱是4 - 6(这是加速度单位,1Gs就是一倍的地球表面重力加速度)。它更有效保护船员“Sirangelo在接受采访时表示。
Like the space shuttle, Dream Chaser is designed for runway, not water, landings, though its small size means it can touch down on most commercial runways anywhere in the world.“The idea of being able to come home to Ellington Field in Houston with an experiment from the space station for Texas Medical Center and have them take if off the vehicle and get it in their labs in a half-hour is very useful,” Sirangelo said.
Sierra Nevada currently is protesting NASA's decision to proceed with a final round of development funds and flight services contracts to SpaceX and Boeing. A decision by the U.S. Government Accountability Office is due by Jan. 5. NASA also has an unfunded agreement to work with Jeff Bezos' rocket company, Blue Origin.
内华达目前抗议美国宇航局决定进行最后一轮发展基金并且与飞行器SpaceX公司和波音公司签订的服务合同。由联邦政府会计总署决定(Government Accountability Office)截止日期是1月5日。NASA也有短期协议与杰夫·贝佐斯的火箭公司(蓝源公司(BlueOrigin)是由亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos)创建的私人太空飞行初创公司,已经在2018无人任务开始前,成功地测试了现有的氢燃料火箭)。
In the meantime, Sierra Nevada is pursuing other contracts, including additional station resupply work for NASA that also is drawing bids from SpaceX, Orbital Sciences, Boeing and possibly other contenders.
"We call Dream Chaser a 'space utility vehicle' for a reason. It can accomplish multiple purposes from the same core design, like an AC-130 aircraft. We can do repair missions, change altitudes. Capsules can't do that very easily. We can do construction, like the space shuttle did to build the space station. We can be an independent or co-dependent lab and stay in orbit for one year or longer conducting experiments. From the same basic design, we can contemplate all these missions," Sirangelo said.
“我们叫追梦者“空间多功能飞行器”是有原因的。它可以同时完成多个工作,像ac - 130飞机。我们可以自动完成修复任务甚至改变高度。太空舱就不能那么做。我们可以做建筑,像航天飞机一样建造空间站。我们可以成为一个独立或相互依赖的实验室并且在轨道上停留一年或更长时间进行实验。从设计上看,我们可以完成所有这些任务,”Sirangelo说。
Sierra Nevada already may have landed one customer. Paul Allen's Strato launch Systems, which is building a massive airplane to serve as an airborne rocket-launching platform, announced last month it is considering buying a smaller version of Dream Chaser for commercial passenger spaceflights. The space plane would be attached to the Strato launch mothership for a ride into the atmosphere and then released to fire its own rocket engines and catapult it into space. The system could be used to fly people to and from orbit, as well as for sub-orbital hops, including taking off and landing in different locations, so called "point-to-point" travel. That's a service that Virgin Galactic, another space tourism startup owned by Richard Branson's Virgin Group, would like to offer as well.
For now, Virgin Galactic's six-passenger, two-pilot space plane, called SpaceShipTwo, will be limited to sub-orbital flights that originate from and return to the same location. The company's first vehicle was destroyed during a fatal test flight inMojave, Calif., on Oct. 31. The second vehicle is under construction. Point-to-point suborbital travel would require a different design, such as a blunter shape to better handle the higher speeds and heat of atmospheric re-entry, and a more powerful rocket engine.
Until the accident, SpaceShipTwo was on track to begin the world's first commercial passenger spaceflight service in 2015 – 11 years after the prototype SpaceShipOne won the $10 million Ansari X Prize for demonstrating private manned spaceflight.Coincidentally, it was 11 years after Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the world's first powered airplane in 1903 that a paying passenger sat in the open cockpit of a boat-shaped Benoist XIV biplane for a ride across Florida's Tampa Bay, the debut flight of the country's first commercial airliner.
发生事故到现在,太空飞船二号有望成为世界上第一个商业客运航天服役(原型“2015 - 11年后赢得了1000万美元的安萨里X奖(2004年10月4日,由鲁坦(Burt Rutan)设计制造,微软合伙人保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)投资的价值2500万美元的私人飞船“太空船一号”(SpaceShipOne),赢得了这项奖额1000万美元的安萨里X大奖))。巧合的是,在威尔伯和奥维尔·赖特在1903年发明世界上第一个动力飞机11年以后,敞开式座舱双翼飞机搭载着乘客穿越佛罗里达的坦帕湾实现商业首飞。
"If you could have had a conversation with that person who bought the first ride and said, 'In your lifetime, you're going to be riding in air-conditioned comfort at 35,000 feet, traveling .8 Mach, watching a movie and talking to friends on the ground,' that guy would have said, 'What's a movie?' The telephone, the jet … none of that had been invented, but all ofit came into being very, very quickly after the airplane," said Stu Witt, the chief executive and general manager of the Mojave Air and Space Port.
So is commercial spaceflight similarly primed?
"You put enough humans with brains and eyes and ears and senses in new environments and somebody is going to think of something we haven't thought of. The fashion industry will change. The entertainment industry will change. Something will come out of it that you and I shouldn't even be silly enough to try and forecast,” he said.