A beauty pageant contestant who labelled herself 'terribly ugly' has been disqualified after being voted through to the final because organisers thought she had tampered with the vote.

Maya Shelkovaya from Sochi was shocked when she ousted more than 400 other girls in Russian contest Miss Games 2014 to make it through to the last five.
She said she didn't expect to win a single vote and only entered the pageant because she wanted to win some of the Allods Team video games offered to the finalists, according to Vocativ.
她说自己参加比赛根本没期望能获得哪怕一张投票,只是为了能赢得大赛为决赛选手提供的一些Allods Team电子游戏。
But organizers suspected she had cheated and sent her an email which did not set out a clear explanation for her disqualification.
She uploaded a photo to enter the competition, saying she thought she was 'terribly ugly' and received an onslaught of online abuse.
Many commented saying she was 'fat' and 'should go to the gym', but others praised her bravery and voted for her to stay in the competition.
'Mostly people write that I'm brave and honorable. But, to be honest, I don't know where they got that from. I'm completely average,' she said.
'In general, for me personally, all kind people are beautiful. Kindness adorns their faces, and it's impossible to call them ugly no matter what their appearance.'
The organizers of the pageant, run by Russian email service, Mail.ru, have now announced the winners, one of whom was given a trip for two to a five-star hotel in Egypt.
They said: 'We are pleased to announce the completion of the contest. As we warned all the votes obtained by dishonest means, when calculating the results have been removed.'