The pace of China's industrial output and retail sales each underwhelmed in October, suggesting the economic slowdown in the world's second largest economy continued into the third quarter.
The National Bureau of Statistics said industrial production in China slowed to a pace of 7.7 per cent year-on-year in October, versus forecasts that it would stay at 8 per cent. Still, this is a better figure than the 6.9 per cent growth registered in August - its lowest since 2008.

Moody's Analytics said before the figures came out that output has been weak owing of a soft housing market. They said output in September recovered thanks in part to gains in export manufacturing including electronics makers.
Moody's Analytics在数据出炉之前曾表示,由于房地产市场疲软,中国工业产出一直疲弱。他们表示,9月工业产出数据反弹的部分原因是包括电子设备制造商在内的出口制造业产出增加。
“Part of the September bump may be iPhone 6-related, however, so production likely decelerated mildly in October.”
“9月数据的反弹可能与iPhone 6上市有关,因此工业产出可能会在10月温和减速。”
Meantime, China's retail sales grew at an annual rate of 11.5 per cent, also missing forecasts and slowing from 11.6 per cent in September.
Retail sales have now been slowing for five straight months as the property market cools, hurting consumer confidence.