Samsung Electronics Co Ltd SSNLF 7.22% unveiled two mid-tier handsets with a premium design as its prepared to deliver a riposte to low-cost Chinese rivals and reclaim its title as the top brand in the world’s biggest smartphone market.
三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics Co Ltd)推出了两款设计精良的中端手机,准备向低成本的中国竞争对手发起反击,夺回这个全球最大智能手机市场的头把交椅。
Samsung’s smartphone woes began late last year and persisted through July-September, with its global market share down for the third straight quarter and its profit scraping at a three-year low.

Its struggles were prominent in China, the world’s biggest smartphone market, where it was dethroned by local upstart Xiaomi Inc as the top smartphone maker in the second quarter. It does not help that Samsung’s lower-end products are too expensive and not distinctive enough compared to those touted by Xiaomi and Lenovo Group Ltd , analysts say.
而在中国这个全球最大的智能手机市场,三星的日子尤其艰难。本土品牌小米(Xiaomi Inc)于今年第二季度力克三星,成为了中国销量第一的手机品牌。更糟糕的是,行业分析师指出,与小米和联想集团(Lenovo Group Ltd)的热销产品相比,三星的低端手机不仅价格较高,而且缺乏特色。
The Galaxy A3 and A5 are seen by analysts as Samsung’s first counter-strike. Initially launching in China in November, they’ll be Samsung’s first devices to feature fully metallic bodies and its thinnest smartphones to date. In size, the A3 and A5 are comparable to those of the top-of-the-line Galaxy S5, though of
分析师认为,三星推出Galaxy A3和A5手机是其第一波反击。这两款手机将于今年11月在中国率先发售,是三星首次推出的全金属机身手机,也是迄今为止最薄的智能手机。A3和A5的尺寸堪比旗舰级的Galaxy S5,但是屏幕分辨率稍逊一筹。相较之下,小米的Mi4比A5稍厚,但处理速度更快,屏幕分辨率也更高。
lesser screen resolution quality. For comparison, Xiaomi’s Mi4 device is thicker than the A5, for example, but sports a faster processor and a higher-quality display.
首尔IBK资产管理公司(IBK Asset Management)的基金经理Kim Hyun-su持有三星公司股票,他认为:“三星必须提高中端手机的配置,比如使用金属机身,这样才能应对中国本土的竞争对手。”
“I think improving specs on the mid-tier products by using features like a full metal body is something that Samsung needed to do to respond to the Chinese rivals,” said Seoul-based IBK Asset Management fund manager Kim Hyun-su, who holds Samsung shares.
Samsung classified the new phones as mid-tier, and said they will be launched in other “select markets”, without disclosing the pricing.
The announcement, combined with hopes for an earnings recovery and bigger dividends, pushed Samsung’s shares in Seoul to the highest close in more than two months. The stock has gained 10% since Thursday.
“我们还需要观望这些手机的销售情况,”联昌国际银行集团(CIMB)驻首尔的分析师Lee Do-hoon表示。他指出,由于价格尚未公布,目前很难预测这些手机是否能取得成功。
“We’ll have to wait and see how well these phones sell,” said Seoul-based CIMB analyst Lee Do-hoon, adding that the lack of disclosure on pricing makes the devices’ success harder to predict.
Samsung is expected to launch more devices soon, having admitted on Thursday that it was too slow to respond to “rapid shifts in the competitive landscape” and vowed to deliver new products.
“For our mid to low-end smartphones we will enhance product competitiveness by differentiating our displays and materials as well as upgrading camera functionality,” Senior Vice President Kim Hyun-joon told analysts on Thursday, pledging to take efforts to keep margins at double-digit rates.
但是这显然并非易事。全球智能手机市场增长对于低端产品的依赖与日俱增,因此形成各大公司竞相压价的局面,能依旧维持高价的只有苹果公司(Apple Inc)。
That may be difficult to achieve, though. Global smartphone market growth is increasingly driven by the low-end segment, making it a race to the bottom for all but companies like Apple Inc AAPL 0.95% , which can still command a price premium.
Samsung has vowed to improve price competitiveness, as well, which will only further erode the bottom line. Most analysts do not expect a meaningful profit recovery for the firm’s smartphone business until mid-2015 at the earliest, when the company may start seeing tangible results from a line-up revamp.
Jin Sung-