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When Google announced that it had built a Web browser on Labor Day in 2008, the event represented something of a coming out party for SundarPichai, a little-known and soft-spoken middle manager at the company. Based on how the launch went, no one would have predicted that six years later, Pichai would be where is todaya clear No. 2 to CEO Larry Page following a management shakeup late last week.



Indeed, the launch of the Chrome browser was something of a debacle. Google GOOG 0.18% had worked hard behind the scenes to orchestrate a media splash. It had readied talking points to explain why it was reigniting a browser war with Microsoft MSFT -0.48% , and why its erstwhile ally, Mozilla, maker of the Firefox browser, shouldnt worry. As part of it, the company had secretly produced an elaborate, 38-page comic book that explained the unique features of Googles browser. It was expected to land in the mailboxes of journalists and bloggers on that Tuesday just as they returned from the three-day weekend.

But the comic books arrived in Germany on Monday, and it was not a holiday there. After a German blogger posted the comic book online, the Chrome team had to scramble to handle the fiasco. Top executives, including Pichais boss at the time, Marissa Mayer, were summoned to the Googleplex. After quick but spirited debate, the team decided to move up the announcement by a day. As engineers scrambled to make Chrome available for download from Googles network of data centers, public relations staff started to alert reportersmost of whom where on holidayone by one.
Embarrassing as it was, the snafu was quickly forgotten. Chrome, which launched amid skepticism that it could make inroads against the dominant browsers of the time, Internet Explorer and Firefox, became a runaway hit. It is now the No. 1 browser in the world, with a market share thats more than twice that of the once dominant Internet Explorer, according to StatCounter. Its success paved the way for a series of related strategically important products including Chrome OS, Chromebooks, and Chromecast. And it became the engine that powered Pichai through one of the fastest corporate ascents in the technology industry.
虽然这段小插曲有些尴尬,但它很快就被人忘掉了。尽管当时很多人怀疑Chrome能否挑战当时的主流浏览器——IE和火狐,但是Chrome的确很快火了起来。据StatCounter统计,Chrome现在已成为全球第一大浏览器,其市场份额已经超过了IE的两倍。Chrome的成功也为一系列具有重要战略意义的产品铺平了道路,其中包括Chrome OS操作系统、Chromebook笔记本电脑和Chromecast电视棒等。同时它的成功也令皮查伊在谷歌扶摇直上,成为科技行业中晋升最快的新锐人物之一。
Inside Google, however, Pichai had already made his mark as a director of product management for an obscure but important weapon in the companys arsenal: the Google toolbar. The toolbar was critical because it helped Google make its search engine the default option on IE and Firefox. And Pichais role in leading the product as it came under attack from Microsoft, helped cement his standing in the company, as detailed in a Fortune story titled The Dawn of the Chrome Age earlier this year:
Chrome had another, less public mission: to defend the search engine that accounts for most of Googles $59.8 billion in 2013 revenues and $12.9 billion in profits. Since 2000, Google had distributed a browser toolbar that made its search engine the default on IE and Firefox. (The toolbar also allowed Google to track userssurfing habits.)”
The toolbaras geeky and benign as it soundswas a key locus of Googles combat with Microsoft. Pichai was the groups leader, and by the mid-aughts he worried that Microsoft would modify IE to make it more difficult, or even impossible, for users to install the toolbar. In a series of sometimes tense conversations with top brass around the time of a major update to IE in October 2006, Pichai argued that Microsoft could threaten a sizable chunk of Googles business, according to two executives who were there. “It was a doomsday-like scenario,” one of the executives says. Shortly after, Google execs gave Chrome the green light.
After the launch of Chrome, Pichai was promoted to vice president and later to senior vice president. He was given oversight for Googles apps, including Gmail, and became a member of the exclusive L-team, the small group of executives who report directly to Page. And when Android creator Andy Rubin left to begin a secret robotics project within Google, Page put Pichai in charge of Android as well.
With his latest promotion, which is meant to allow Page to focus on longer term issues and on pushing products forward without the overhead of having too many direct reports, Pichai will now also oversee products like search, maps, Google+, commerce, ad products and infrastructure. Thats the vast majority of Googles enterprise, with the exception of YouTube and other semi-independent units like Nest, Google X, and Calico. Just six years ago, he was one of dozens of mid-level Googlers with the title of director of product management.
皮查伊最近一次升职后,拉里o佩奇将把主要精力放在更长期的问题上,而不必每天听太多汇报、处理太多事务。皮查伊现在也将开始负责搜索、地图、Google +、商务、广告产品和基础架构等工作。换句话说,他负责的工作已经涵盖了谷歌绝大多数业务,只有YouTubeNestGoogle XCalico等半独立的事业部除外。仅仅6年前,他还是几十个名不见经传的谷歌中层干部中的一员,头衔也仅仅是“产品管理总监”而已。
Pichai, 42, is a native of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. He attended university in India before obtaining a graduate degree in engineering and materials science at Stanford. He earned an MBA at the Wharton School and worked at McKinsey and Applied Materials before joining Google in 2004. He is universally well-liked at Google, where he seems to enjoy awarm, easygoing rapportwith Page, as well as outside the company. When news of his latest promotion to head all of Googles products came out last week, venture capitalist Om Malik, a former blogger, tweeted what was in the mind of many: “Proof nice guys can win.”
今年42岁的皮查伊出生于印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦。大学毕业后,他赴美留学,先后获得了斯坦福大学(Stanford University)工程与材料科学的研究生学位,沃顿商学院(Wharton School)MBA学位。在2004年加盟谷歌前,他曾在麦肯锡(McKinsey)和应用材料公司(Applied Materials)工作过。他在公司内外是个人见人爱的人物,同时与佩奇也保持着“温和、随意的亲密关系”。皮查伊将领导谷歌所有产品的消息是在上周透露的,当时前博主、风投家欧姆o马利克就曾在Twitter上发表了一句很多人都赞同的感言:“这证明好人有好报。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
combat ['kɔmbət]


n. 争斗,战斗
vt. 打斗

announced [ə'naunst]



modify ['mɔdifai]


v. 修改,修饰,更改

threaten ['θretn]


v. 威胁,恐吓

comic ['kɔmik]


n. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素

ally [ə'lai]


n. 同盟者,同盟国,伙伴
v. (使)结盟,

option ['ɔpʃən]


n. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权
v. 给予选

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

elaborate [i'læbəreit]


adj. 精细的,详尽的,精心的
v. 详细地

oversee ['əuvə'si:]


vt. 监督,监管,监视






