Last Friday in a Beijing theater, Li Baofeng and 10 of her colleagues from the Feng Yun Theatrical Company bowed to a small but enthusiastic audience after their performance of Sizhou Xi, a 200-year-old form of Chinese opera. It was the second time Ms. Li, 81, had performed in Beijing. The first time was 57 years earlier, for Mao Zedong at Zhongnanhai, the seat of the Chinese leadership.

That level of government blessing is now long gone for Sizhou Xi, in a fast-changing China where the proliferation of new forms of entertainment has sidelined many traditional arts. With the appearance in Beijing, Ms. Li hoped to win at least some recognition for Sizhou Xi and the small number of professionals who are still performing it.
Once popular in parts of Anhui, Shandong and Henan provinces, in central to northern China, Sizhou Xi features singing, dancing and acrobatics. Stories in the traditional repertoire range from historical epics about heroes to tales of common people, presented in local dialects.
In the 1950s, the new Communist government paid actors like Ms. Li to work in state-run troupes. But after the Cultural Revolution began in 1966, Ms. Li, like many other artists with roots in the Republican period, was charged with counterrevolutionary crimes and sent to labor on a farm. Her younger colleagues were allowed to continue performing, but only in works glorifying the Communist revolution, whose productions were dictated by Jiang Qing, Mao’s wife.
The next setback came in the 1990s, with the withdrawal of state support. Although the end of the Cultural Revolution and the start of Deng Xiaoping’s policy of economic reforms had lifted political constraints and allowed a revival of many folk traditions in the 1980s, changing popular tastes and diminishing state involvement in less commercially viable art forms began taking their toll. Although the government has continued to finance theatrical groups that enjoy larger followings, such as forms of Beijing Opera, practitioners of more local forms are now largely on their own, dependent on dwindling audiences.
To save her ancient art, Ms. Li and her colleagues took decidedly modern measures this year. To raise the money for the troupe’s journey from Bengbu, a town in the central province of Anhui, to Beijing, they turned to smartphones.
In September, He Gongyi, a Beijing-based nongovernmental organization dedicated to reviving traditional culture, helped Ms. Li set up a fund-raising campaign on WeChat, a popular messaging app run by Tencent. The wallet service of WeChat links directly to the user’s bank account, allowing a donation to be made with a few taps on the touch screen of a phone.
Within four days, they reached their target of 30,000 renminbi, or about $5,000, with donations from 998 people, said Ku Zheng, He Gongyi’s chief executive.
Philanthropy in China has only recently begun tapping mobile payments, but the approach is fast gaining in popularity.
Tencent opened its WeChat service to donors in October 2013. Now more than half of the 3.88 million people giving to charities via Tencent are doing so on their phones, said Wu Ting, Tencent’s senior program manager for its charity platforms. People also tend to give more when they make the donation on a mobile device, about three times the amount given on a computer, she said.
The typical donor is a young man between 15 and 29, giving small amounts well below 100 renminbi, Ms. Wu said. But the number of potential donors is huge. Tencent said it had 438 million active WeChat users as of August, making it possible to raise substantial amounts in a short time.
“In one case, 540,000 renminbi was raised in three days to help save a premature baby in Hubei Province,” Ms. Wu said.
In total, more than 228 million renminbi has been donated through Tencent’s online charity platform since it was introduced in 2007. Alipay, affiliated with the online retailer Alibaba, says it has processed more than 212 million renminbi in donations on its charity platform since 2010.
“I cannot thank you enough for helping us make this happen,” Ms. Li said to her audience last Friday after her troupe’s production of “Pin Nu Lei,” or “Tears of the Poor Girl,” the story of a fisherman’s daughter, whose abuse at the hands of her snobbish mother-in-law and overbearing sister-in-law drives her to suicide.
The life of a Sizhou Xi performer in 2014 is very different than it was in 1957, when Ms. Li’s troupe was on a local government payroll and honored with an audience including Mao, said Lu Xianwei, Ms. Li’s grandson and a social media manager for an Internet company in Beijing who managed the fund-raising for Feng Yun.
“After the government disbanded the state-run troupe,” Mr. Lu said, “my grandma founded this troupe with some of those actors, who had lost their jobs but wanted to keep on performing.”
Families in rural Anhui Province still hire the performers for weddings, funerals or ancestor worship ceremonies. But the art form is struggling amid competition from modern entertainment. “Younger people don’t want to watch Sizhou Xi or make it a career,” Mr. Lu said.
Feng Yun has taken to the road in search of private patrons, but there aren’t many, Mr. Lu said. Even when the group does secure donations, as it did for the Beijing appearance, fund-raising might not be a long-term solution if popular interest is fading.
“I hope the government will do more for us.” he said.
Government support can make a difference. In 2012, when Feng Yun participated in a government-paid cultural program to tour villages in Anhui, it staged 70 performances, Mr. Lu said. Last year, without government backing, Feng Yun was able to put on only a dozen performances.
In 2006, the Chinese government added Sizhou Xi to its intangible cultural heritage list, alongside Beijing Opera and Hui Ju, another form of theater that originated in Anhui. But some say that the government has a moral obligation to do more, given the consequences of its own shifting policies and the resources it still controls. (The stage on which Feng Yun performed last week was made available free of charge by the Dongcheng District government in Beijing.)
“Traditional theaters are in a mess today because of the culture policies of previous leaders,” said Fu Jin, a professor at the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts in Beijing. “They financed theater professionals for decades without them having to learn about the market, and then they changed their mind and cut the cord. Of course, the government has a political and cultural responsibility to fix this.”
But Mr. Fu sees signs of hope.
“The market may still be depressed, but this past decade has seen some changes,” he said. “More people, many of them the younger generation who will pay more than their fathers and grandfathers for theater, are becoming interested again, and a taste for authentic, centuries-old plays is coming back. There is something about art that makes it worth preserving even when the market says otherwise. The government should not be shortsighted.”