Any avid reader of KanDongSee will be familiar with Oxford’s quaint traditions: the Latin matriculation ceremony before you can become a member of the university, the gowns worn for finals and formal dinners (where you’ll also be treated to yet more Latin), the near-criminal offence of walking on the grass.

After a while, donning cloaks for exams and lapping up Latin with the soup course will seem like completely normal habits. But there are some lesser-known laws governing Oxford student life that you might not quite get used to. They might not be written in the official regulations handbook, but unspeakable atrocities await those who dare to question Oxford’s weirdest rules.
爱逛“看东西”网站的读者们想必对牛津的古怪传统都不陌生了:成为牛津人之前必须要经历拉丁语开学典礼的洗礼;期末考试和正式晚宴时都要穿上长袍(更多的拉丁语也会扑面而来);踩踏草坪几乎会被视作犯罪! 开学一段时间以后,学生们会对穿上长袍去考试,一边说拉丁语一边喝汤等习以为常。但是还有一些更不为人知的规矩影响着牛津人的日常生活,这些奇怪的规矩可不是那么容易适应的。尽管它们没被写在官方的学生守则里,但胆敢质疑这些规矩的人将会面临苦不堪言的惩罚。
1. Don’t bring your bow and arrow to lectures
1. 别带弓箭到学校
Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world: professors have been pontificating and students have been snoozing since the 12th century. Back then, students didn’t have Angry Birds to distract them in lectures – but they did have bows and arrows. In 1209, a student accidentally shot a townswoman (the subsequent hanging of two innocent students led to a breakaway group of university men founding Cambridge University), and one of Oxford’s earliest rules banned students from bringing their weaponry to classes, just in case the boredom became too much…
2. Permission for a pint
2. 买酒需书面批准
Forget being asked for your ID next time you fancy a drink: in the early 20th century students needed written permission from their tutors before they could stop off for a beer at The Bear (Oxford’s oldest pub). Without a note, students weren’t simply thrown out – they were arrested by the ‘bulldogs’, the university police. Not that potential arrest deterred students determined to have their pint of ale: between 1910 and 1920, bulldogs arrested approximately 620 students “in pubs without permission”.
下次买酒被要身份证的时候就别抱怨了:在20世纪早期,牛津学生如果想在路过The Bear(牛津最古老的酒吧)时买点酒,他们需要找导师写一张书面批准!如果没有书面批准,可不仅仅是被赶出酒吧那么简单,学生们会被校园警察(别称“斗牛犬”)逮捕!不过即使面临着被逮捕的风险,这也没能阻止学生们义无反顾地去买酒:在1910年到1920年间,校园警察逮捕了大约620名未经批准就买酒的学生!
3. Stripping off in the library
3. 图书馆里打赤膊
One wonders how those sober tutors would have reacted to Worcester’s ‘infamous’ Breakfast Club. The college society, founded in 2009, spent two years declaring their revision breaks in rather bare-faced fashion: ‘Half Naked Half Hours’. This is exactly what it sounds like: each afternoon, club members studying in the library would strip to the waist, continue with their work, and re-dress 30 minutes later. Sadly in 2011 Worcester Library Committee banned the would-be strippers, ruling that ‘Half Naked Half Hours’ posed a distraction to other studiers.
4. Making a splash
4. 跳进浴缸泡个澡
Perhaps those poor Breakfast Club members should transfer to Jesus College. In 2012 the college JCR voted unanimously to install a hot tub for stressed finalists during the final week of Trinity term, costing up to £400. It has since become an annual fixture: the JCR committee noting in 2013 that “9th Week Trinity term is always hot” and that “JCR members (especially finalists) have worked extremely hard this year and deserve a reward.”
可怜的早餐俱乐部成员们大概应该转学到耶稣学院去。2012年,耶稣学院的“本科生公共休息室”(JCR,Junior Common Room)通过投票一致同意:在夏季学期的期末周花费400英镑为紧张备考的毕业班学子们安装一个热水浴缸。从此,这就成了学院每年固定的规矩:2013年,公共休息室委员会指出“夏季学习的第九周总是特别炎热”,并且“公共休息室的成员们(尤其是大四党)这一年已经辛苦学习了很久,他们应该得到犒劳。”
5. No cake for you
5. 毕业生没蛋糕吃
Finalists certainly deserve a reward after their last exams: but the University proctors will not let them eat cake. The famous ‘trashing’ celebrations that occur when students walk out of exams – where friends of the freed throw confetti and pop champagne – are permitted, so long as they don’t involve food stuff. Eggs, flour and whipped cream are specifically prohibited from being brought into the proximity of the Exam Schools, so no-one can whip up a celebratory cake on their friend’s head. Much as post-exam students need sustenance, it might not be worth risking the £80 fine one girl was handed in 2011 after throwing a trifle in a finalist’s face…