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网络"注意力经济"新标准 吸引点击不再是王道

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There arent many things that can capture a busy journalists attention. A juicy scoop, for one. The flashing lights of an ambulance may be another. (We tend to be the types that run toward danger.) And, for the vast majority of those writers and editors that work online, the hypnotic bounce of the Chartbeat needle telling them whos reading their story at that very moment.


The New York-based company, which offers real-time analytics for websites, has in just a few years worked its code into the websites of 80% of the top online publishers, including the one youre reading right now. It has changed the way they react to traffic data. It used to be that youd have to wait until the next day for data (pageviews, unique users, et cetera) to understand how stories performed. Then it became the next hour. With Chartbeat, its nearly instantaneous. A look at theconcurrentsneedle on the Chartbeat dashboard is like staring at a persons beating heart during an MRI scan.

This dynamic has changed the way publishers react. Youve no doubt noticed it. Headlines are refined on the fly. Secondary stories are promoted with more precise timing. And, of course, the bait becomes more click-y, fueled by an online display advertising business model that rewards views instead of interest. (Exhibit A: The headline used, quite tongue in cheek, on this story.)
The underlying model has been the most troublesome, and its the primary reason whySix Totally Shocking, Crazy, Outrageous Predictions About the War Against the Islamic StateandWatch a Woman Attempt to Lose One Pound in 20 Minutesare used to headline stories youve probably already seen elsewhere. The headline has always been a chief tool to grab a readers attention, but todays model rewards publishers who exaggerate to reach far beyond their target audience.
这种基本模式一直令人头痛不已,所以,你会经常看到 类似“一位女性如何在20分钟内减掉一磅”这样的标题,而其实里面的内容你或许已经在其他地方看过。标题一直是吸引读者注意力的主要工具,但现在的模式却正鼓励出版商极尽夸张之能事,以最大可能吸引读者。
Like most people, Chartbeat CEO Tony Haile believes theres a better way. On Monday, his company announced the first-ever accreditation by the Media Rating Council for metrics around attention, rather than clicks or load time. The accreditation spans both ads and content, and may prove effective in beating back the over-promising online headline.
与很多人一样,Chartbeat公司CEO托尼o海勒相信还有更好的方法。上个月,他的公司宣布“注意力标准”首度受到媒介视听率评介委员会(Media Rating Council)的认可衡量标准,这个标准既不是看点击率也不是看加载时间。而是贯穿广告与内容两方面,或许能够有效地打击言过其实的网络文章标题。
Instead of trying to value ads on the fact that the page loaded with the ad on it, its: Can you accurately measure how long the actual amount of attention youre able to capture and then value it?” he said during a phone call Friday from the Online News Association conference in Chicago. “If you can do that, brands will more effectively allocate capital. On the publisher side, all the people who have invested in quality content actually have an economic reason to do so.”
在出席芝加哥在线新闻协会(Online News Association)会议期间,海勒接受电话采访时表示:“我们并非想要根据加载页面的情况给广告计价,而是想解决两个问题:你是否可以准确测量能够抓取的注意力的具体数量?如何计算这些注意力的价值?如果你能做到这两点,品牌就可以更有效地分配资本。而在出版商方面,从经济角度来说,所有投资高质量内容的人,都有理由这样做。”
Publishers have long sought a better way to measure attention, but have for years disagreed on how to specifically do it. “You want to know and understand whats quality content,” Haile said. “If you can get someone to click on a headline and come through to a page where the ad loads in the top 500 pixels, whats the incentive for you to invest in quality content? You can just write a clever headline. But if you can keep them on that page and keep them reading so that ad has a chance to work, theres a very great difference. Fifty-five percent of all pageviews on the web get less than 15 seconds of attention. If youre dealing with something where you can prove attention better, you can charge more.”
What Haile is suggesting is a massive change to the online advertising industry, which has done much to refine its existing model but accomplished little in the way of a full rethink. “Well begin moving our attention to brand advertisingthat is, advertising that communicates a message to you, rather than prompting an action, or direct response,” he said. “The brand side has been using direct-response metrics for the wrong purposes. Thats going to change over time.”
Which means in time publishers wont be incentivized quite as much to churn out so-called clickbait. The road ahead is rocky, Haile said, and change will be unevenly distributed as publishers and ad agencies begin to embrace the new standard. But the direction forward is, for the first time, clear. “A visitors default behavior isnt to read every word,” he said. “Its to leave.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

scoop [sku:p]


n. 铲子,舀取,独家新闻,一勺,穴

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

precise [pri'sais]


adj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

exaggerate [ig'zædʒəreit]


v. 夸大,夸张

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

underlying [.ʌndə'laiiŋ]


adj. 在下面的,基本的,隐含的






