In recent years, large-scale epidemiological studies have found that people whose diets include dark chocolate have a lower risk of heart disease than those whose diets do not. Other research has shown that chocolate includes flavonols, natural substances that can reduce the risk of disease. But it hasn't been clear how these flavonols could be affecting the human body, especially the heart. New findings from Virginia Tech and Louisiana State University, however, suggest an odd explanation for chocolate's goodness: It improves health largely by being indigestible.
Researchers at Louisiana State reached this conclusion after simulating the human digestive system in glass vessels. One represented the stomach and the small intestine, with their digestive enzymes, and a second reproduced a large-intestine-like environment, with gut microbes from human volunteers. The scientists then added cocoa powder to the stomach vessel.

The "stomach" and "small intestine" broke down and absorbed some of the cocoa. But while many of the flavonols previously identified in chocolate were digested in this way, there was still plenty of undigested cocoa matter. Gut bacteria in the simulated colon then broke that down further into metabolites, small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream and known to reduce cardiac inflammation. Finally, the last undigested cocoa matter, now mostly fiber, began to ferment, releasing substances that improve cholesterol levels. And there was another health-giving twist to this entire process: The gut microbes that digested the cocoa were desirable probiotics like lactobacillus. Their numbers appeared to increase after the introduction of the cocoa, while less-salutary microbes like staphylococcus declined in number.
These findings are broadly consistent with those from Virginia Tech, published in March in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Researchers there began by feeding healthy lab mice a high-fat diet. Some of the mice were also given unsweetened cocoa extract; others were fed various types of flavonols extracted from the cocoa. After 12 weeks, most of the mice had grown fat and unwell, characterized by insulin resistance, high blood sugar and incipient diabetes. A few, however, had not gained weight. These animals had ingested one of the flavonol groups whose chemical structure seems to be too large to be absorbed by the small intestine.
弗吉尼亚理工学院的研究于3月发表在《农业与食品化学期刊》(The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)上,其结果与路易斯安纳州立大学的结果非常一致。弗吉尼亚理工学院的研究者给健康的试验用鼠喂食高脂肪食物。并给其中一些老鼠喂食无糖的可可提取物;另一些则喂食各种从可可中提取的黄酮醇。12周后,大多数老鼠变得肥胖而不健康,表现出胰岛素抵抗、高血糖和初期糖尿病症状。但其中一些并没有增重。这些没有增重的老鼠得到的黄酮醇化学结构过大,无法在小肠内吸收。
What the results suggest, says Andrew Neilson, an assistant professor at Virginia Tech and the senior author of the mouse study, is that "there is something going on with cocoa in the colon," but what that means for chocolate lovers is not clear. Future experiments, he hopes, will tease out why one flavonol group impeded weight gain and the others did not. Do not hold your breath for a cocoa-based diet pill anytime soon, though. Cocoa's biochemical impacts are "extremely complex," he says.
弗吉尼亚理工大学助理教授和老鼠研究领域内的资深撰稿人安德鲁·尼尔森(Andrew Neilson)说,这些实验结果表明“肠道内部的可可粉发生了一些事情”,但这一结果对巧克力爱好者意味着什么尚不分明。他希望在未来的试验中可以发现为什么某一种黄酮醇可以阻止增重,另一种则不能。但是,不要马上就去弄以可可为原料的减肥药丸。他说,可可的生物化学影响“非常复杂”。
Sadly, Dr. Neilson also points out that cocoa is not a chocolate bar, something whose added ingredients and processing reduce the number and type of flavonols, increase calories (cocoa itself has very few) and possibly change the response of gut bacteria to the cocoa. "The evidence does not show that you can eat a chocolate bar every day and expect to improve your health," he says. A few tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder sprinkled onto oatmeal or a handful of cocoa nibs — bits of the cacao bean, available at natural-food stores — would be better, he says less than sweetly.