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BEIJINGThe worlds first fully electric motor racing series, featuring battery-powered racecars that can accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in three seconds, opened here Saturday.


Known as Formula E, this 10-stop international circuit is approved by the International Automobile Federation and aims to inspire developments in electric car technology and attract a new generation of fans.

被称为电动方程式(Formula E)的赛车锦标赛由国际汽车联合会授权,旨在激励发展电动车技术,吸引新一代的赛车迷,锦标赛分10站进行。
The inaugural race, the Beijing ePrix, was unexpectedly dramatic. A crash at the last turn of the final lap involving the leading cars allowed the Brazilian driver Lucas di Grassi of the Audi Sport ABT team to win.
北京站的揭幕赛出乎意料地充满戏剧性。发生在最后一圈的撞车,让奥迪ABT车队的巴西车手卢卡斯·迪·格拉斯(Lucas di Grassi)获得冠军。
Nicolas Prost had long been in the lead when his car touched Nick Heidfelds. Heidfelds vehicle flew end over end and landed upside down in pieces. He emerged unscathed.
尼古拉斯·普罗斯特(Nicolas Prost)驾驶的车在与尼克·海德菲尔德(Nick Heidfeld)的车碰撞之前,曾一直领先。海德菲尔德的车飞了起来,然后翻转了180度,顶朝下落在地面,车身破裂成众多碎片。不过,他毫发未损。
The Beijing ePrix took place in Olympic Park, site of the 2008 Olympics. The cars made 25 laps on the 3.44-kilometer course (about two miles), weaving between the Water Cube and Birds Nest.
Among the 75,000 people reportedly on site were a large number of local residents who were pleasantly surprised to find an international sporting event to attend as long as they paid the park entrance fee.
The series was the brainchild of the federations president, Jean Todt, and a Spanish businessman, Alejandro Agag, who came up with the idea in 2011.
电动方程式赛车锦标赛是国际汽联主席让·托德(Jean Todt)和西班牙商人亚历杭德罗·阿加格(Alejandro Agag)的主意,是2011年想出来的。
We expect this championship to become the framework for research and development around the electric car, a key element for the future of our cities,” Agag told the events website.
The championship has strong backingit took $100 million to get the project off the groundand a number of Formula One veterans like Jarno Trulli strapped into racecars. Sir Richard Branson, the four-time Formula One champion Alain Prost and the actor Leonardo DiCaprio are among the team owners.
锦标赛有坚强的后盾——光筹备工作就花了1亿美元,还吸引了几位一级方程式赛车的老手参加,比如贾尔诺·特鲁利(Jarno Trulli)。理查德·布兰森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)、曾4次获得一级方程式赛车冠军的阿兰·普罗斯特(Alain Prost),以及演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)拥有的车队参加了比赛。
Unlike other racing series, Formula E schedules practice rounds, qualifying and races into a single days program instead of three, making it less disruptive to the host cities where the street circuits have been built.
To engage spectators, a gimmick called the FanBoost allows fans to vote for their favorite drivers; the top three get a chance to bump their cars power for two and a half seconds.
We have 1.4 billion people,” said Steven Lu, chief executive of the China Racing team. “If even .0001 percent of them vote, thatd be enough to win.”
中国赛车队经理吕洋(Steven Lu)说,“我国有14亿人口。即使只有十万分之一的人投票,就足够能赢。”
The fan favorites proved to be di Grassi, Bruno Senna and Katherine Legge, one of two women in the 20-car race.
赛车迷们最终选出的车手是迪·格拉斯、布鲁诺·塞纳(Bruno Senna),以及凯瑟琳·莱格(Katherine Legge),她是参赛的20名车手中的两名女性之一。
For the series, Michelin designed an 18-inch all-weather tire intended to last an entire race. Each Formula One car receives 52 tires per race weekend; Formula E cars receive 10.
All drivers drove a version of the Spark-Renault SRT_01E, equipped with a battery weighing nearly 800 pounds. It has enough power for 20 to 30 minutes of hard racing, so drivers switched cars midway through, substituting the poetry of Formula One pit stop tire changes for a hop into another vehicle.
Ho-Pin Tung, a Dutch driver of Chinese descent on the China Racing team, said that the best drivers in this series would be those who mastered the ability to manage the batterys energy.
中国赛车队的荷兰籍华裔车手董荷斌(Ho-Pin Tung)说,这个系列车赛的最佳车手将是那些能完好地掌握电池能量使用的人。
In race mode, we will be playing around with the power all the time,” he said. “We have six different engine mappings on the steering wheel, which we have to adjust while driving.”
The local fans were disappointed by China Racings finish, as Tung placed placing 16th and his teammate Nelson Piquet Jr. placed eighth. What caught Tung by surprise the first time he drove the SRT_01E was the sound of the wind in his helmet.
当地的赛车迷们对中国赛车队获得的结果颇为失望,董荷斌名列第16,他的队友小纳尔逊·皮奎特(Nelson Piquet Jr.)名列第8。董荷斌第一次驾驶SRT_01E时,令他吃惊的是头盔中风的声音。
Its always there of course, but normally theres a screaming loud engine behind you,” he said.
The electric cars motor emits an 80-decibel whir, about the same as a garbage disposal, compared with Formula One cars that sound like jet engines.
I had no idea electric cars could be so fast,” said Wang Zhigang, 60, a Beijing native who had seen racing only on television. He added, however, that he would not buy one soon.
The government gives subsidies for them,” he said, “but there are just too few charging stations. What would you do if you ran out of battery here?”
But China is seeking to put five million electric cars on the road by 2020 in an effort to cut pollution. Indeed, Lu, whose team played a crucial role in bringing the race to Beijing, said that the Chinese government was willing to host because it wanted to promote electric cars.
Speaking of government officials, Lu said: “They said: ‘Wow, this is really new. Its a golden opportunity. Lets do that.’ ”
Stops on the Formula E circuit include Miami and Long Beach, Calif. The final race is in London in June.
A few years ago, few believed this series could come to fruition. Standing on a hastily built viewing platform, Lu was optimistic, saying, “Its real, its fast, and its the future.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
accelerate [æk'seləreit]


vt. 加速,提前,跳级
vi. 加速

framework ['freimwə:k]


n. 结构,框架,参照标准,体系

formula ['fɔ:mjulə]


n. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品
adj. (赛

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

championship ['tʃæmpiənʃip]


n. 锦标赛,冠军,拥护

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

hastily ['heistili]


adv. 匆忙地,急速地





