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And so it has finally arrived: the long-awaited, much-anticipated Apple Watch. Dont call it an iWatch; this is a new era, people. OMG! OMG! OMG! And all that.

Because it is Fashion Week, however, and because this is an accessory, I thought it was only fittingpun intendedthat we ask the same question of the wearable (which is another word for clothes, after all) that we ask of the other accessories we see during the week: does it look good on? Is it, finally, a wearables game changer?
Its definitely a step forward. But does it rewrite the rules of our aesthetic expectations?

The big, giant, amazing thing about the Apple Watch, sartorially speaking, is that it looks likea watch. Not a device.

That is, clearly, an enormous step forward for a gizmo that has the functionality of the Apple Watch. The two other wearable devices introduced this week at New York Fashion Weekthe Samsung Galaxy S and the Intel/Opening Ceremony MICAlook like big bangles in comparison: they have much larger rectangular curved screens embedded in hard plastic, or snakeskin-covered plastic, bands.
让一个小玩意能够拥有苹果手表这样的功能,这显然是巨大的进步。本周的纽约时装周上还推出了另外两件可穿戴设备——三星Galaxy S和英特尔/“开幕式”MICA智能手环,相比而言,它们看上去更像大大的手镯:更大的矩形曲线屏幕镶嵌在硬塑料腕带或覆着蛇皮的塑料腕带上。
The Apple Watch by contrast, has a much smaller, squarer face (it looks a bit like a super chic Nano), framed in stainless steel or aluminum or specially treated super-strong 18-carat gold. It is the first wearable watch to come in two sizes – 38 millimeter and 42 millimeter, presumably for men and women, and it comes in three different lines (Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch Edition, the latter being the most corporate up-market version). It has an enormous number of interchangeable bands that look just like normal watch bands, including leather and stainless-steel bracelets. The only ones it does not seem to offer are evening, or black-tie appropriate, styles. (Which is an oversight to my mind, given that the time a slim, attractive watch/communication device most comes in handy is during an evening event when quick peeks at technology are not appropriate. But maybe thats just me.)
相比而言,苹果手表的屏幕小得多,接近正方形,看上去有点像非常时尚的苹果Nano,它有不锈钢或铝制边框,或是特别制作的超强18k金边框。它是第一款以38毫米和42毫米两种规格推出的可穿戴设备腕表,两种尺寸分别是为男人和女人设计的,此外还有三个不同版本(苹果手表普通版、苹果手表运动版和苹果手表 Edition版,其中Edition版是最适合商务的高端款)。它有多款可供更换的表带,外观和普通表带差不多,包括皮革款和不锈钢手镯款。唯一没有提供的是晚装款,或者说礼服款(在我看来,这是一种疏忽,在新发明的科技小玩意往往不适合的晚宴场合,一款纤细迷人的腕表/通讯设备才是最用得着的。但或许只有我才这么想)。
Apple is billing the watch as itsmost personal device ever,” because aside from all those straps, you can also swap among 11 watch faces (normal, butterfly and Mickey Mouse, for example).
The funny thing is, while I understand why they find this sort of choice extraordinary in the tech world, its par for the course in fashion, which points up some of the gulf between the two sectors; What they find revolutionary makes us want to yawn.
But back to the watch. It even has acrown” – that dial on the side of a chronograph that you normally use for winding, but that here acts as a scroll so you dont have to worry about a fat-fingers problem on a tiny screen.
All of which is smart, and slick, and even chic. But it doesnt make you reimagine the whole concept of how a watch you might wear everyday should look.
It makes you reimagine what a watch that you might wear everyday should do. Thats a meaningful distinction.
In other words, unlike, say, the iPhone, which resembled no other phone on the market when it appeared, or the iPod, the Apple Watch is firmly in watch aesthetic vernacularjust not other connected watch vernacular. Rather, it speaks the visual language of ye olde-fashioned watches.
Ironic, isnt it? They had to look backward to go forward.
Which means, in turn, that the truly mind-boggling bit of all this is the fact that Apple figured out how to fit ALL THAT TECHNOLOGY into that relatively wee bit of hardware. Intel, for example, had to distribute its board throughout the MICA, which is why the bangle is the size that it is.
Put another way: the shocking thing, the innovative thing, about the Apple Watch is that it can look as normal as it does while doing all the things it does (including opening hotel doors, if you have the Starwood app).
So, while it may indeed change behavior, and may indeed threaten some in Switzerland, I dont think Patek Philippe should be shivering in its boots.
所以,它可能真的能够改变人们的行为,也可能真的威胁到了一些瑞士手表,但我并不觉得百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)会吓得全身发抖。
Of course, the Apple Watch will start at $349 when it goes on sale next year, and even presuming that the rose-gold version will cost a whole lot more, it probably wont reach the Patek pricing league. Apple isnt saying. So Swatch, on the other hand. …

重点单词   查看全部解释    
attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

embedded [im'bedid]


adj. 植入的,内含的,深入的 v. 埋入,植入,深入

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

interchangeable [.intə'tʃeindʒəbl]


adj. 可互换的

rectangular [rek'tæŋgjulə]


n. 矩形

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

distribute [di'stribjut]


v. 分配,散布

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.






