Before the movie, this guy was just another dorky teen. Now, he's the real life doppelganger of Alfredo Linguini from Disney Pixar's Ratatouille.The resemblance is uncanny!
在这部动漫放映之前,这小男孩只是个傻傻的少年 。如今,他成了阿尔弗雷·林圭宁在现实生活中的双重生,林圭宁来自迪士尼·皮克斯的《美食总动员》 。这真是太相似了,令人不可思议!
Meet the real life Popeye. His real name is Moustafa Ismail and he holds the Guinness World Record for his 31-inch bicep.
来看看现实生活中的人吧 。他的真名叫莫斯塔法·伊斯梅尔,他因拥有31英寸的二头肌而破吉尼斯世界纪录 。
Dora The Explorer in real life: She is clearly not amused.
Carl Fredricksen from Up.
Could this be BEAVIS?
Meg from Family Guy
This may come to you as a surprise or a silly joke, but it's nothing but the truth. The popular CGI cartoon Shrek actually existed! In fact, his ogre-ific head was modeled after a real person; he was named Maurice Tillet and he was actually a very intelligent person who was a poet and writer who could speak 14 languages.
你也许会觉得惊讶,或者把它当成个愚蠢的笑话,但这是再真实不过的事情CGI动漫里的史克莱还真存在!事实上,该怪物头像就是模仿真人制作的;他的名字叫莫里斯·提雷特,他非常聪明,能说14种语言,是个诗人兼作家 。
For some princesses, fairytales do exist.
Ned Flanders from The Simpsons.
Peter Griffin from Family Guy.
World's most famous brothers.
Eric Cartman from South Park.