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内行带你逛丝芙兰 看化妆品实体店如何做好数字营销

来源:财富中文网 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

When Bridget Dolan breezed into the Sephora store on San Franciscos Powell Street on a recent Thursday afternoon, her iPhone lit up. This happens a lotanytime she passes within a few feet of a Sephora store, really, which in her role as the beauty emporiums vice president of digital marketing is often.

A notification on her phones screen informed Dolan that she had a Sephora gift card with a bunch of loyalty pointsmore than 7,000—to spend on goop and glitz. Detecting her proximity to the store, the Sephora app on her iPhone had triggered Passbook, Apples coupon and ticket storing app, to remind her. “I like to think of Passbook as a magnet to pull clients into the store,” she said. “Suddenly, Im like, ‘I have a red-hot gift card at Sephora I forgot about.’”

Its one of the many ways the makeup company, which is owned by the luxury goods giant LVMH, is using technology to draw in customers and make them spend more time with it, whether in person or online. “We didnt want to just put technology in here thats flashy,” she said, gesturing around a store that was humming with the sounds of pop music and filled with cubicle-dwellers trying out new looks on their lunch breaks. “We want to integrate technology into our shopping experience in a way thats additive and doesnt go against the grain of the way someone would want to shop.”

Bypassing a battalion of blush, Dolan sidled up to a kiosk and lightly tapped on its display. This is the Sensa kiosk, she saidone of three interactive screens that help Sephora customers pick out the right product for them, with or without the assistance of acast member,” the companys name for its staffers.
Sephora uses Sensa as a tool to select fragrances, the business on which the chain was founded. The kiosk starts with general questionsdo you want to smell like flowers or fruit?—and continues refining choices based on your previous answers. Think of it as Amazons recommended reading algorithm, but for smelling good. Last year, Sephora installed Sensa in all of their more than 1,700 stores last year, Dolan said. “We love that technology so much that we bought the company,” she said, “and well continue to enhance the experience.”
Dolan strode past the bevy of perfume bottles surrounding Sensa and stopped at another interactive display, this one for skin care products. The device works in a similar way to the fragrance kiosk, but also pulls in reviews of products from users and experts, plus more data mined from Sephoras website. “It helps to have the best of whats amazing onlinethe search and sort filters, what are the best sellers, whats top rated?” she said. “The whole idea for us is that its unbiased. If you picked this product and said, ‘Give me products that work with it,’ the products that work with it arent necessarily from that brand.”
Dolan saved her favorite marriageof makeup and machineryfor last. She cleared a path to the center of the store, where a third kiosk, smaller than the rest, sat adjacent to a well-lit mirror. This one, which Sephora calls Color IQ, uses a hand-held capture device that calibrates to each clients visage and maps out their skin color on a range of 1,500 different hues. Every bit the director in the days production, Dolan flagged down a cast member to try it out on me. Two swipes over my face and neck—”You have really nice skin,” the young woman saidand Color IQ gave me the designation of 5y05 (“yas in yellow; theres alsorfor red) and an array of foundations and concealers that match that code.
多兰把她最喜欢的化妆品机器设备留到最后介绍。她径直走向专卖店中心。在那里,第三台互动设备摆放在一个光线充足的镜子旁边。这台比其他两部设备都小,被丝芙兰公司称为“颜色智商”(Color IQ)的机器,使用一个手持拍摄设备对准每位客户的面部,然后以多达1,500种不同的色调来描绘她们的肤色。作为当天的“导演”,多兰招呼一位美容顾问测试一下我的肤色。这位年轻女士刷了两下我的脸和脖子,“你的皮肤真好,”她说。“颜色智商”随即确定了我的肤色类型——5y05(“y”代表黄色;还有“R”代表红色),以及一组与这个代码相匹配的粉底和遮瑕膏。
The goal of the system is to cut down on a traditionally tedious process. “The average woman buys seven foundations before she finds the right one,” Dolan said. “Not only is she looking for the right color, it might be, ‘Oh I dont want to spend $65.’ It really is the right product, the right formulation, and the right shade.’”
And once youve found the perfect scent, skin care products, and shades with which to makeup your face, Sephora has yet another tool it wants you to use: Beauty Board, a feature within its smartphone app and on its website that functions like an in-house Instagram. Dolan scrolled through some of the latest posts: one featured gold glitter eyeliner; another, coral-colored cheeks. With Beauty Board, customers and staffers can upload photos of their freshly-done faces and tag products so others can emulate their look. Selfies, it turns out, are very much Sephoras friend.
一旦你找到完美的香氛、护肤品和面部底妆产品,丝芙兰还有另一种希望你使用的工具:Beauty Board。这是一款在丝芙兰手机应用和官网上都具备的功能,其运作方式就像是照片分享网站Instagram的内部交流版。多兰浏览了一下最新发布的一些帖子:一张是极富特色的金色闪粉眼线,另一张是珊瑚色腮红。通过Beauty Board,消费者和员工可以上传她们刚刚打理过的脸部照片,并附上使用的化妆品名称,这样其他人就可以模仿她们的妆容。事实证明,自拍真是丝芙兰的好朋友。
Ultimately the idea will be that a cast member will sayHey, do you want me to take a picture of your makeover with your phone?,’” Dolan said, stopping on a photo of a twentysomething woman with turquoise eyeshadow. “Now you can look at that and say, ‘Oh, this is the product I should use to get that look,’ instead of going through all the trial and error.”
With that, Dolan ducked away to spend some of her 7,000 points, consulting her phone to see what makeup staples she needed to refill. She hadnt put down her phone the half hour wed spent in the store, which, it turns out, is behavior Sephora expects and even encourages. “You can use your phone, we want you to take it out in our store,” she said. “Its an opportunity for us, for sure.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
adjacent [ə'dʒeisnt]


adj. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的

emulate ['emjuleit]


vt. 效法,尽力赶上,仿真 [计算机] 仿真

magnet ['mægnit]


n. 磁体,磁铁,有强大吸引力的人或物

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

battalion [bə'tæljən]


n. 营,军队,大批

luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

turquoise ['tə:kwɔiz]


n. 绿松石,土耳其玉,蓝绿色 adj. 蓝绿色的

enhance [in'hɑ:ns]


vt. 提高,加强,增加





