Apple introduced its latest update to the iPhone operating system, iOS 8, at its annual World Wide Developers Conference in San Francisco on Monday. If you're a big texter, some of the changes should make your life a lot easier. iOS 8 will be available for the iPhone 4S and above this fall.
周一,苹果公司在旧金山举行的全球开发者大会上,发布了iPhone的最新系统iOS 8开发者版。如果你很喜欢发短信,那么这次新系统的一些变化会让你感觉生活更容易了。今年秋天,苹果公司将发布正式版iOS 8系统,届时iOS 8将只能与iPhone 4S及以上版本手机兼容。
If you're still recovering from Apple's last OS update don't worry: These changes are nowhere near as huge as last year's move to iOS 7 -- a radical redesign of the iPhone interface and one of the biggest moves Apple made post-Steve Jobs. Some iPhone people appreciated the modern design. Others complained of the new look, and some even reported that the design gave them motion sickness.
如果你还没适应上次苹果的操作系统更新,不用担心:iOS 8的变化并不像上次iOS 7那么巨大——iOS 7彻底改变了iPhone的手机界面,是苹果公司在后乔布斯时代做出的最大改变。有些果粉很欣赏iOS 7的现代化设计,而其他人却对这一新界面吐槽不断,甚至有人还说操作新界面感到很恶心。
This year's changes won't make you ill. And, some of them are pretty much irrelevant. Here are the ones that you must know about:
然而今年的一些变化不会让你受不了,并且其中的一些变化无妨大碍。下面是一些你必须知道的有关iOS 8科普:
Smarter Notifications
Now when you get a notification for a text message or a Facebook comment, you can respond from whatever app you're in. So if you're looking at Twitter and you get an iMessage from your mom, you can quickly respond without leaving Twitter.
在iOS 8界面下,无论你在什么应用界面,只要通知栏弹出短消息或Facebook评论、你都可以不用退出界面就直接回复。所以,如果你正在看推特的时候收到了你妈妈发来的短信,不需要离开推特界面就可以直接回复妈妈的短信。
If a notification appears -- on the lock-screen or wherever -- and you don't want to deal with it immediately, you can flick it up and off the screen.
Easier Email
There are significant changes to Apple's Mail app. You can mark emails as unread or delete them with a single gesture, and you can swipe down a message you're composing in order to see the rest of your inbox.
'Damn You Autocorrect' Is...Over?
“该死的自动更正” 功能即将结束?
Texting is what most people do on their iPhones - iMessage is the device's most popular app by far, Tim Cook said on Monday. He introduced QuickType for iMessage, a new feature that could potentially eliminate embarrassing auto-correct errors. As you type, you'll get suggestions for what to type next. QuickType learns from you, based on what you type and to whom.
库克在周一说,发短信是果粉们最常做的事情,所以iMessage 是截至目前iPhone手机中最受欢迎的应用。他为iMessage 引入了QuickType应用,这可以极大降低潜在的自动更正操作。在你打字的时候,会有下一个词的提示出现。QuickType根据你的个人情况、你的打字内容以及短信发送对象来确定打字推荐。
No More Annoying Group Texts
Group messaging is also going to be vastly improved. With iOS 8 you can name your group texting threads and add or remove people from group texts. You can also leave a group messaging thread or push "do not disturb" to mute a specific thread. No more annoying group texts!
群发短信功能也将大加改善。在iOS 8中,你可以把群发分组进行命名、同时还可以在群中增添或移出联系人。你还可以进行群聊设置并把某一群聊标注为“请勿打扰”。这样再也不会有讨厌的群发短信了。
If you want to find your friends, you can share your location through messages and show your friends where you are. If you're less into texting, you can send audio, video or photo messages right from iMessage.