Investors worried about a Chinese financial crisis want to know when and how it will happen. They have focused on the fast build-up of debt, much of it in shadow banking, and over-investment in housing. But China’s currency could turn out to be the trigger in the same way US subprime mortgages touched off the global financial crisis.
Beijing will not manage to rebalance growth towards consumer spending without the help of currency depreciation. To the surprise of many observers, the People’s Bank of China has engineered a modest but significant decline in the renminbi. But more weakness could be lethal for arbitrage and leverage strategies based on expectations that the currency was certain to keep rising.

Lombard Street Research estimates that the renminbi is between 15 and 25 per cent above fair value. Overvaluation has already hurt corporate profits, which have been flat for two years. Corporate debt as a share of gross domestic product has surged 15 percentage points during that time, while corporate deposits have hardly changed. This suggests that bank lending to companies is being used to pay interest on old loans rather than for new productive activity.
据朗伯德街研究公司(Lombard Street Research)估算,人民币汇率目前比其公允价值高出15%至25%。估值过高已然伤害了企业利润,过去两年来企业利润一直没什么起色。过去两年,企业债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅升高15个百分点,而企业存款几乎没有变化。这表明,企业从银行获得的贷款正用于偿还旧债利息,而不是扩大再生产。
Arbitrage game
The PBoC intervened to weaken the renminbi before widening its trading band. It did so both to change entrenched market perceptions and because the economy needs a lower exchange rate.
In the absence of further depreciation it will be hard for companies to keep taking a hit to the balance sheet without slashing investment, jobs and wages. But the actual and expected rise in the renminbi has spawned an arbitrage game since the middle of 2010 that will inflict heavy losses if the currency falls 10 to 15 per cent.
It all started when Beijing expanded its fledgling renminbi trade settlement scheme in June 2010 so eligible firms in China could pay for imports and exports of goods and services in their own currency rather than the dollar. In the middle of 2010 Beijing also allowed the renminbi to start rising again. Chinese investors saw the perfect opportunity to take advantage of renminbi appreciation and interest rate differentials.
Chinese groups have used letters of credit to take out foreign-currency loans offshore as part of the scheme. This has often involved importing metals, such as copper or nickel, so it was not fraudulent. Hard commodities played the role of money to circumvent capital controls.
The imported goods were sold and the proceeds invested in either bank accounts or wealth management products in China. If the money was placed on deposit, returns depended largely on continued renminbi appreciation given interest rate differentials. Chinese groups could typically borrow in Hong Kong at 3 per cent, while bank deposit rates in China range from 3 per cent to 4.8 per cent.
One way to estimate the size of this arbitrage is to look at the claims of Hong Kong banks on mainland banks and non-banks. These more than tripled to over Rmb2.5tn ($415bn) between the middle of 2010 and the end of 2013.
It is also worth noting that foreign-currency exposure is much higher when measured by nationality of the borrower than residence – which is how balance-of-payments figures are compiled. Data from the Bank for International Settlements show Chinese nationals had international debt securities totalling $273bn at the end of 2013, more than five times the sum by residency.
‘Bear Stearns moment’
“贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)时刻”
A lower renminbi could cause a scramble for liquidity, pushing asset prices down when debt in foreign currency needs to be repaid. Every time the authorities have introduced regulations to curb the arbitrage – or more recently when the PBoC pushed down the renminbi – market liquidity has come under pressure.
Another aspect of China’s financial house of cards is that a lot of the money raised abroad has been funnelled via wealth management products into Chinese corporate loans, some of which will sour. Many of these will mature in the next few months, testing the system, especially if Beijing does not intervene to prevent defaults, as it did in January.
Much like subprime lending in the US, the size of the problem is clouded in uncertainty. China’s “Bear Stearns moment” could be just around the corner. But Beijing still has ammunition to overcome a liquidity crunch and financial distress eventually. Even assuming that half of household and net non-financial-sector debt is bad and zero is recovered, the state could explicitly assume the liabilities and its gross debt would still be “only” 110 per cent of GDP.
Doubling the government’s debt would be manageable if Beijing were to clean up the banks properly and reform its financial system. But this no longer seems enough to stave off some sort of crisis.