Going out for dinner on Valentine’s Day can cost you more than you are ready to part with, as the menu is sure to be overpriced. But now, staying home for a romantic dinner can cost you much more, especially if the cook is a Michelin-starred chef. VeryFirstTo.com, a British retail luxury site is offering the services of top chefs, who will cook a no expense-spared romantic dinner.The cost of the dinner is said to be $99,300.
又到情人节,这是许多餐馆一年中最忙碌的时段之一。餐馆肯定又照例推出“浪漫香煎小牛仔骨”这样的菜品。在家吃一顿浪漫晚餐和花10万美元雇一个米其林星级大厨来你家做饭,你会怎么选择?英国奢侈品零售网站VeryFirstTo对外发布了史上最昂贵的情人节晚餐,由英国米其林星级饭店颠勺儿的厨师Adam Simmonds亲自上门为情侣们烹饪,八道菜品的价格需要6.1万欧元,即99478.80美元。究竟是什么菜能要价这么高?来看一看这八道菜是什么:Almus白鱼子酱(4891.80美元)、春季白松露(1630.60美元)、食用金叶(3261.20美元)、食用银叶(1304.48美元)以及紫水晶竹盐(3261.20美元)。
The site has teamed up with chef Adam Simmonds and GreatBritishChefs.com to prepare this feat.The dinner will include Almus white caviar, spring white truffle, and gold leaf and silver leaf to name a few. The dinner will be accompanied by an expensive selection of wine which included a $27,720.20 bottle of La Romanee-Conti, Domaine de la Romanee-Conti, according to reports. The meal will end with vanilla and smoked chocolate with kopi luwak ice cream.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201402/275664.shtml