At the peak of Hong Kong's movie industry in the 1980s, a series of comic vampire movies thrived at the box office.
Movie-goers flocked to see the 1985 movie 'Mr. Vampire, ' with its zany mix of comedy, horror, martial arts and hopping vampires, so-called because of the undead corpses' jumping movements.
1985年上映的《僵尸先生》(Mr. Vampire)曾吸引大量影迷涌入影院观看。影片滑稽古怪,将搞笑、惊悚、武打场面以及跳尸融合在一起,“跳尸”取名自僵尸一蹦一跳的动作。
The movie's popularity sparked several sequels and spinoffs, but they faded by the early '90s along with the local film industry, which was done in by Hollywood blockbusters and audiences' shifting tastes.
Now, the genre is getting a kick-start from singer-actor Juno Mak, who makes his directorial debut with 'Rigor Mortis.' The movie opened in Hong Kong and Malaysia on Thursday, and will soon be released elsewhere in Asia.
而如今,这类电影又重出江湖。歌手兼演员麦浚龙(Juno Mak)的导演处女作《僵尸》(Rigor Mortis)已于周四在香港和马来西亚首映,并很快将在亚洲其他地区上映。
'It's great to be able to revisit a genre like this, ' says Mr. Mak, who also produced and co-wrote the script. 'I think it represented a very golden age of Hong Kong cinema.'
Hollywood in recent years has reinvented movies about the undead (think the 'Twilight' series and 'World War Z'), and Mr. Mak adds some modern sensibilities to 'Rigor Mortis.' First to go was the kitschy humor.
近年来好莱坞创作了许多以不死亡灵为题材的电影(例如《暮光之城》(Twilight)系列以及《僵尸世界大战》(World War Z)),麦浚龙则为《僵尸》增加了更多现代人的感性元素,而首要的工作就是将庸俗搞笑的成份从中剔除。
'I wanted to be more concentrated on the drama, rather than lame, cheesy jokes, ' says the 29-year-old director. 'We deconstructed some of the elements' of the earlier Hong Kong films, he says, which trace their origins to the ancient stories and myths of geung si (literally, 'stiff corpse').
Mr. Mak reunited many of the original cast members from the earlier 'Mr. Vampire' films, including martial-arts actor Chin Siu-ho, who plays a weary vampire hunter. The movie also includes visual references to 'Mr. Vampire, ' offering ample rewards for movie-goers familiar with the series.

Just as garlic or a stake in the heart can ward off or kill Dracula and other Western vampires, the living can defend themselves from hopping vampires with blood from a black hound, glutinous rice or an amulet.
The tradition of hopping vampires, while perhaps a bit peculiar to the uninitiated, comes from an ancient Chinese practice in which priests perform a ritual so corpses can be moved -- upright and by foot -- on a long journey ('like DHL, ' Mr. Mak quips) to their hometown for burial. The stiffness of the bodies resulted in a hopping effect as the undead 'walked' home.
'It's based on a historical time period, ' Mr. Mak says. 'It's the whole vibe that fascinates me.'