Bribing toddlers can be counter-productive, according to Vanessa. Instead, the 28-year-old coaches her young charges how to play together – for $450 an hour. After all, play dates are no trivial matter. They can decide a child’s future.
瓦妮莎(Vanessa)认为,“贿赂”幼儿可能会适得其反。这位28岁的老师会教孩子们如何一起玩游戏,每小时收费450美元。毕竟,游戏约定(play date)不是件小事。它可能会决定一个孩子的未来。
Vanessa, who declines to give her last name, is one of a new breed of play date experts that help children prepare for admission to New York’s elite kindergartens. As part of the admission process to these schools that charge up to $40,000 a year, four-year-olds must attend a playgroup where they are tested by teachers for academic ability and their social and emotional IQ.
Play date experts set up situations to see how children respond and then make suggestions for improvement. For example, if everyone has to write down his or her name but there are not enough pencils, they must wait their turn.
These New York children take a test at the age of four. The ERB – named after the Educational Records Bureau which administers it – determines if a child can get into the best private schools, such as Trinity which includes Lachlan Murdoch and Ivana Trump among its alumni.
这些纽约的孩子们会在4岁时参加一次考试。ERB考试——以负责此次考试的教育档案局(Educational Records Bureau)的名字命名——会决定一个孩子能否进入那些最优秀的私立幼儿园,例如有拉克伦•默多克(Lachlan Murdoch)和伊万娜•特朗普(Ivana Trump)等校友的圣三一学院幼儿园(Trinity)。
The exam lasts between 45 minutes and an hour, and evaluates vocabulary, ability to perform fine motor skills and simple maths. There is also an interview with the parents.
Suzanne Rheault, chief executive of Aristotle Circle, which began offering play date experts three years ago, says that some schools “have a 5 per cent acceptance rate, below Harvard at 6.9 per cent. It’s like a bloodbath getting into these schools.”
Aristotle Circle首席执行官苏珊•罗特(Suzanne Rheault)表示,一些幼儿园的“录取率为5%,低于哈佛大学(Harvard) 6.9%的录取率。进入这些幼儿园的过程就像是一场血淋淋的厮杀。”该公司3年前开始提供游戏约定专家服务。
Parents are desperate for advice to help their children get into the schools that are seen as a ticket to an Ivy League university. “There’s a perfect storm – a lot of money, a lot of immigrants with a focus on education [and] a lot of educated parents keen on getting their child into the best school,” she says. “Parents are shameless – they want it so badly.”
父母们急于寻求建议,以帮助他们的孩子进入这些被视为常青藤(Ivy League)大学门票的幼儿园。“这是一座最拥挤的独木桥,许多有钱人、许多关注教育的移民,还有许多本身受过良好教育的父母,都盼望把孩子送进最优秀的幼儿园。”她表示,“父母们顾不上羞耻,他们太需要这些了。”
Aristotle Circle, the company that employs Vanessa and was co-founded by Ms Rheault in 2008, sells an ERB preparation workbook with sample test questions in it such as “Apples and oranges are both . . . ”. Children get two points for “fruit”, one for “sweet things I eat” and none for “yummy”.
Aristotle Circle出售ERM考试练习册,里面的考题很简单,例如“苹果和橘子都是……”。回答“水果”得两分,回答“我吃的甜东西”得一分,回答“好吃的”得零分。该公司由罗特与他人在2008年创建,瓦妮莎就供职于这家公司。
The bulk of its business is providing tutors at $350 an hour, who prepare children for the tests, and admissions experts for parents desperate for information. But demand for play date instruction is increasing.
Neither Sara, Aristotle Circle’s most sought-after expert, nor Vanessa wants to be identified publicly. Both are cautious about breaching clients’ confidentiality. But they are also nervous about the public’s perception of the work they do.
Aristotle Circle最受欢迎的专家萨拉(