The body of a reclusive British woman was "gnawed and eaten" by her starving pets after she died, according to a coroner's inquest.
By the time British police discovered the body of Janet Veal, she'd apparently beendead for as long as three months. Her house made for a grim scene, littered with the carcasses of numerous pet cats and dogs that had been confined in the house and died of apparent starvation.
警方发现Janet Veal的尸体时,她已经死亡了近3个月。她的房间看起来惨不忍睹,Janet Veal的宠物猫、狗因为被关在室内,所以都饿死了。
But then investigators discovered something worse: Veal's remaining cats had survived by feeding on her corpse.
"Certain parts of Mrs. Veal’s body were missing and had... effectively been gnawed and eaten away by the animals,” Coroner Keith Wiseman said in Southampton Coroner’s Court.
“Veal女士的尸体不完整,还有很多被动物啃咬的痕迹。”验尸官Keith Wiseman向法庭提供了验尸报告时说到。
The 56-year-old woman's body was found in the kitchen. Although the level of decomposition made it difficult to determine exactly what killed her, Veal's medical records showed a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
56岁的Janet Veal的尸体在厨房位置被发现,尽管尸体的腐坏和破坏程度已经很难取证Keith Wiseman的死因,但她平时的服药记录显示她生前患有慢性阻塞性肺病。
That condition was the likely cause of her death, and possibly immobilized her so that she was unable to seek help, the coroner said.
"There is no indication otherwise and no suggestion... that she had been in any way attacked by the animals while she was alive," Wiseman said in court.
在法庭上上,验尸官Wiseman陈词到:“没有证据显示Janet Veal在生前受到过宠物的攻击。”
Neighbors described the woman as "reclusive," according to the Independent. According to the Daily Echo, Veal was estranged from her husband, who had left her last year.
根据《独立日报》报道,邻居描述Janet Veal是个“隐居的人”她丈夫和她关系疏远,并与去年离她而去。

An officer who responded to the scene noted that the rooms of the woman's house were so cluttered with garbage that it was difficult to see the floor. The state of the house and the evidence of Veal's many animals suggest hoarding behavior.
一调查专员爆料,Janet Veal的屋子堆满了各种垃圾,都很难看到地板了。Janet Veal房子的状态和她养的猫狗的数量说明她生前有储藏行为。
Hoarding behavior can endanger animals even if the owners are alive. In June, two Georgia sisters were arrested after authorities found 31 dying cats, and a dog in a filthy hotel room they shared. The women also had a confined a disabled man in the mess. He turned out to be the son of one of the women. 29 cats were discovered in such poor health that they had to be euthanized.