Samsung Electronics Co. likes to bring the fight to its rivals: after launching its latest smartphone in iPhone country, the South Korean giant is making space for itself in Finland Nokia Corp.'s NOK1V.HE -0.86% home market.
三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)喜欢主动出击:在iPhone的母国发布其最新款智能手机之后,这家韩国巨头正在诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)的本土市场开疆拓土。
Samsung, the world’s top smartphone maker by shipments, said it will open a new research and development center in Finland on June 13.
“This decision to establish our R&D presence in Northern Europe reflects the importance we place on the European market,” the company said in a statement. The center will be a branch of the Samsung Electronics R&D Institute UK.
三星在一份声明中说,在北欧建立研发机构的这一决定反映出我们对于欧洲市场的重视。该中心将是三星电子英国研究院(Samsung Electronics R&D Institute UK)的分支。
Samsung didn’t say whether the new center will focus on smartphones, but its inroads into Finland could signal stiffer competition for Nokia. Just on Tuesday, research firm IDC said that Nokia had ceded the top spot in its home market to Samsung in the first quarter, with the Korean company grabbing a 36.1% share compared with Nokia’s 33.6%.
Samsung has over 30 R&D centers globally, and it has been seeking to maintain its market lead by spending billions on research and marketing. In the first quarter alone, Samsung spent 3.33 trillion won ($2.94 billion) on R&D, more than double the $1.12 billion that Apple Inc. AAPL +0.80% spent in the same period.
三星在全球拥有超过30个研发中心,也一直试图通过数十亿美元的研发开支保持市场领先地位。仅今年一季度,三星就在研发方面花费了3.33万亿韩圆(合29.4亿美元),比苹果(Apple Inc.)同期的11.2亿美元高出一倍以上。
Though R&D spending doesn’t necessarily result in market success, Samsung can put its sizable cash pile to good use against competitors.
As Nokia struggles to regain its bearings, sales of the Galaxy S4 put Samsung on track to remain No. 1 in the smartphone market. The company said earlier this month it has shipped more than 10 million units of the Galaxy S4 since the phone hit markets in late April, outpacing sales of previous Galaxy models.
在诺基亚苦苦挣扎、试图恢复往日地位的同时,三星凭Galaxy S4的销售继续稳居智能手机市场龙头位置。该公司本月早些时候说,其Galaxy S4自4月底上市以来发货量已经超过1,000万台,超过了此前的Galaxy机型的销售。