They may forget anniversaries and buy last minute Valentine’s gifts from petrol stations, but men are, apparently, more romantic than women.
A survey found that while 48 percent have fallen in love at first sight, a mere 28 percent of women could claim the same.
The research, published in new book The Normal Bar, questioned 10,000 people worldwide about their attitude towards love and relationships.
发表在新书《The Normal Bar》中的这一调查询问了全球1万名男女对爱情和感情关系的态度。
Using data collected from their online survey, the book aims to dispel the myths surrounding sexuality and relationships, shed light on what a real 21st century relationship entails and help make your own relationship more satisfying.
The survey, which is ongoing, contains 1,300 questions and touches on everything from sex to the most attractive physical features to personality traits a prospective partner looks for, the Washington Post reported.
Other interesting figures from the survey included the finding that only 74 percent of people are happy in their relationship and 66 percent of those questioned believe their partner is their soulmate.
But perhaps the most interesting - albeit worrying - discovery was that having sex without emotional ties outside a relationship was not technically regarded as an affair by many.
While only 15 percent of those asked admitted to having had an affair, the number confessing to being unfaithful shot up dramatically when the question was phrased as ‘sex outside your current relationship’.
A third of men and 19 percent of women then said they had indulged in extra-marital relations.
The books goes on to explain that for many, the secret to a happy relationship includes having regular date nights, using pet names, holding hands, passionate kissing, back rubs and frequently saying 'I love you'.
But the most important factor that almost everyone surveyed agreed on, was communication.
In unhappy relationships, a lack of communication was cited as the number one reason for it breaking down.