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Chinese entrepreneur Wang Xing stays in touch with a sister in California and an uncle in Australia through chat software that offers a glimpse of how China's Internet companies can compete globally.

China's Internet industry is often derided as a realm for knockoffs, especially of companies banned in China. Chinese search giant Baidu Inc. has a website that looks like Google Inc's. Tencent's flagship product, instant messaging service QQ, was launched in 1999 as OICQ and had similar functions to then-popular instant messaging service ICQ. Sina Corp.'s Weibo, a popular microblogging service, is invariably described as 'Twitter-like' in the Western media.
2012中国创新人物奖中国互联网行业常常被描述成冒牌王国,尤其是对在中国被禁的那些公司的仿冒。中国搜索巨头百度(Baidu Inc.)的网站外观很像谷歌。腾讯的旗舰产品、即时信息服务QQ于1999年以OICQ的名字发布,与当时流行的即时信息服务ICQ功能相似。新浪(Sina Corp.)广受欢迎的微博总是被西方媒体说成“与推特(Twitter)类似”。
But industry watchers say that view misses an area where China goes toe-to-toe with Western rivals in innovation: extra features that make the Chinese version more interactive and more interesting to use.
Sina's Weibo service, for example, has long offered features that Twitter lacks, notably a commenting function that allows multiple users to add their own thoughts to a user's posts. Tencent's QQ instant messaging service, which has more than 700 million users, offers additional features such as skins to change the look of the client and serves as a portal for the company to advertise other products and services. Sina declined to comment.
Upon downloading WeChat, users are prompted to register either using their QQ accounts or their cell phone numbers. The application then helps users populate their contact lists using existing entries in their cell phone address books. To communicate, users can upload any photo or video on their device, take new ones, or press a button to save a voice message that is transferred almost instantaneously. Voice messages are played back with short beeps at the end to imitate the feeling of instant connection, similar to a two-way radio.
Users say the voice messages are transferred quickly enough to have a conversation on the platform. But different from free voice applications such as Microsoft Corp.'s Skype, it also offers the flexibility of answering messages at a later time. 'I can decide when to reply, or not to,' said Beijing WeChat user Robin Wang.
用户说,语音信息的传输速度很快,可以在微信平台上对话。但和微软(Microsoft Corp.)的Skype等免费语音应用不同的是,在微信上还可以另选时间回复别人发来的语音信息。北京微信用户Robin Wang说,我可以决定什么时候回复,以及回不回复。
In addition to WeChat's core private and group messaging functions, users can also find new contacts by using the application's Drift Bottle function, where a user records a message and sends it out to see in a virtual bottle for a stranger to pick up and respond. Its Look Around function, similar to some mobile dating applications, allows users to browse the profiles of other users who are in close proximity. It also has a function called Moments that allows users to share photo albums publicly with groups of contacts, much like photo-sharing application Instagram.
Tencent said in an email it has no current plans to find a profitable model for WeChat. An Internet conglomerate, Tencent is China's largest listed Internet company with a market capitalization of roughly $65 billion and has strong revenue streams from gaming, virtual products and advertising on other platforms.
It uses its QQ chat application as a means to drive users to its online games and websites. Analysts say a similar model could work well for WeChat, though they also say that WeChat's Circles function adds a social networking component to the service that could eventually attract advertisers.
In China, WeChat has also lured more high-end users, a group that Tencent hasn't traditionally had a strong hold over.
Mr. Wang, the WeChat user in Beijing, said he was an avid QQ user 11 years ago but stopped using the instant messaging service because 'it didn't look very professional.' But after downloading WeChat on his smartphone he found 'most of my colleagues and friends are on it, and everyone communicates through voicemails now.'
前述北京微信用户Robin Wang说,11年前他是一位忠实的QQ用户,但现在已经停用这款即时通讯服务,因为它显得不够专业。但自从在手机上下载微信之后,他发现多数同事和朋友都在上面,现在大家都通过语音邮件交流了。
Meanwhile, WeChat offers perhaps the greatest potential yet for Tencent to gain overseas users. Forrester analyst Bryan Wang said he has seen colleagues and friends in Singapore and India begin to appear on his WeChat contact list.
与此同时,微信恐怕也是腾讯吸引海外用户潜力最大的产品。Forrester的分析师Bryan Wang说,他看到新加坡、印度的同事和朋友也开始出现在了自己的微信好友列表中。
'It surprised me, but it's a good sign for Tencent getting abroad, because in particular WeChat is a combination of WhatsApp and Instagram, so it's a unique value proposition that is probably pretty good for emerging market consumers,' he said.
Tencent has been helped by agreements to pre-install software with Chinese handset makers who sold increasing numbers of handsets abroad in recent years, particularly in emerging markets, according to Mr. Wang.
Bryan Wang说,腾讯跟最近几年在海外特别是新兴市场销量越来越大的那些中国手机厂商达成了预装软件的协议,这给它提供了助力。
Although Facebook is blocked in China, Tencent has linked WeChat to Facebook, which means that users outside of China can use the service in conjunction with the world's most popular social network. That is a boon for WeChat in Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, which have large numbers of Facebook users. Tencent has offered WeChat in languages for all three markets.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

advertise ['ædvətaiz]


v. 登广告,为 ... 做广告,宣传

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

avid ['ævid]


adj. 渴望的,贪婪的,热心的

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的





