It wasn't long ago that Roger Federer, No. 1 in the world again and a Wimbledon champion for a record-tying seventh time, looked this spectacular all the time.
再次成为世界第一、七次夺得温网冠军追平纪录的费德勒(Roger Federer),时隔不久再次让世人叹为观止。
Opponents would push him, frustrate him and occasionally break his serve or win sets. And then the flurry of forehands would come, one left, one right, one left and, inevitably, one out of reach. Or an ace, or two. Or a perfect slice backhand, barely over the net and on the line. Or a dazzling drop shot, or a lob so elegant and accurate that his opponent would fall down as he gave chase. One thing was always certain: All would be well with Federer. Only under rare circumstances岸say, for example, on clay against Rafael Nadal岸would he lose.
对手会压制他、阻击他,有时候使他不能一气呵成地发球或赢球。然后他会用潮水般的正手球回击,左,右,左,对手总有一个接不到。或一个、两个ACE球,或一个完美的反手削球,离触网、出界只差毫厘。或一记让人击节赞叹的扣球,或一个干净而精准、让对手在他出击时摔倒在地的挑高球。有一件事情一直是肯定的:费德勒靠得住。他只会在极少数情况下失败,比如在跟纳达尔(Rafael Nadal)交锋的时候。
Tennis fans hadn't seen this Federer at a Grand Slam tournament in years, not since he met Murray in the 2010 Australian Open final.
自从2010年5月份澳网公开赛决赛费德勒跟穆雷(Andy Murray)较量以来,球迷们已经有很长时间没有在大满贯比赛中见到这样一位费德勒了。
But Murray said last week that he knew the Federer of old wasn't close to dead, not yet. Now everyone else knows, too.
Once Wimbledon closed the Centre Court roof Sunday, the 30-year-old Federer looked like a 25-year-old as he beat Murray 4-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-4 to tie Pete Sampras and William Renshaw with seven Wimbledon titles. He now has a record 17 Grand Slam titles to his name. He'll also regain the No. 1 ranking this week and soon surpass Sampras's record of 286 weeks at the top.
Centre Court)结束时,30岁的费德勒像个25岁的人。他以4-6、7-5、6-3、6-4的比分打败穆雷,七度摘得温网桂冠,追平桑普拉斯(
Pete Sampras)和伦肖(
William Renshaw)的纪录。他现在已将17个大满贯冠军纳入囊中,也创下纪录。本周他还将夺回最高排名,很快就会超过桑普拉斯286周排名第一的纪录。