Tactile: Angelina shared the affection around
It was clear that the Hollywood couple remain unshaken by the allegations made in Ian Halperin's new book, Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. 'They've broken up so many times it would make your head spin,' the author claims, declaring the couple will break up by 'Christmas 2010.
这对好莱坞大牌夫妻在无数的分分合合的传言中又一次的“复合”了。也许无数次的离婚消息已经让你的神经感到的厌烦,但他们这一次的公开亮相还是打破了Ian Halperin的新书 Brangelina中的预测,该书作者预测皮特和爱妻朱丽将在2010年圣诞前夕分手。