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  • Cursed be that mortal inter-indebtedness which will not do away with ledgers.
  • 这笔该死的勾销不了的欠来欠去的人情账!
  • I would be free as air; and I'm down in the whole world's books.
  • 我真想象空气一般的自由;但是我已经全身是债了。
  • I am so rich, I could have given bid for bid with the wealthiest Praetorians at the auction of the Roman empire (which was the world's);
  • 如果我很富有,那我可以到罗马帝国(也就是世界的帝国)的拍卖场上去跟最有钱的将军们讨价还价了;
  • and yet I owe for the flesh in the tongue I brag with.
  • 但是,我却少了一根可以大夸特夸的舌头。
  • By heavens! I'll get a crucible, and into it, and dissolve myself down to one small, compendious vertebra. So.
  • 真的!我要去找一只坩埚来,跳了进去,把我自己消溶成一小撮脊椎骨。就这样行啦!
  • Carpenter ( resuming his work).
  • 木匠(重新开始干活)
  • Well, well, well! Stubb knows him best of all, and Stubb always says he's queer;
  • 唔,唔,唔!斯塔布比谁都清楚他,斯塔布始终说他是个怪物;
  • says nothing but that one sufficient little word queer; he's queer, says Stubb;
  • 什么都不说,就只说怪物这两个简单字眼;他是怪物,斯塔布说;
  • he's queer—queer, queer; and keeps dinning it into Mr. Starbuck all the time—queer—sir—queer, queer, very queer.
  • 他是怪物——怪物,怪物;而且老是唠唠叨叨地把它说给斯达巴克先生听——怪物,先生——怪物,怪物,真是怪物。
  • And here's his leg. Yes, now that I think of it, here's his bed-fellow! has a stick of whale's jaw-bone for a wife!
  • 哟,这是他的腿!嗯,我可想起来了,这就是他的睡伴!拿一根鲸嘴骨去做老婆!
  • And this is his leg; he'll stand on this.
  • 这就是他的腿;他就要靠这来支撑。
  • What was that now about one leg standing in three places, and all three places standing in one hell— how was that?
  • 这只腿这会儿怎么会经得起三种用场,而这三种用场又怎么经得起地狱——这究竟是怎么一回事?
  • Oh! I don't wonder he looked so scornful at me!
  • 难怪他要那么傲慢地看着我!


Cursed be that mortal inter-indebtedness which will not do away with ledgers. I would be free as air; and I'm down in the whole world's books. I am so rich, I could have given bid for bid with the wealthiest Praetorians at the auction of the Roman empire (which was the world's); and yet I owe for the flesh in the tongue I brag with. By heavens! I'll get a crucible, and into it, and dissolve myself down to one small, compendious vertebra. So.

Carpenter ( resuming his work).
Well, well, well! Stubb knows him best of all, and Stubb always says he's queer; says nothing but that one sufficient little word queer; he's queer, says Stubb; he's queerqueer, queer; and keeps dinning it into Mr. Starbuck all the timequeersirqueer, queer, very queer. And here's his leg. Yes, now that I think of it, here's his bed-fellow! has a stick of whale's jaw-bone for a wife! And this is his leg; he'll stand on this. What was that now about one leg standing in three places, and all three places standing in one hellhow was that? Oh! I don't wonder he looked so scornful at me!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

carpenter ['kɑ:pintə]


n. 木匠
v. 做木工活

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

whale [weil]


n. 鲸
vi. 捕鲸
v. 鞭打,

brag [bræg]


n. 吹牛的人,自夸,傲慢的态度 v. 吹牛,炫耀 ad

dissolve [di'zɔlv]


vt. 消除,解散,使溶解,解决(问题), 使沮丧





