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  • Gabriel! Gabriel! cried Captain Mayhew; "thou must either-"
  • 迦百列!迦百列!梅休船长嚷道;"你也得——"
  • But that instant a headlong wave shot the boat far ahead, and its seethings drowned all speech.
  • 可是,这时,一阵狂涛把小艇向前冲得老远,翻卷的浪涛淹没了一切话语。
  • Hast thou seen the White Whale? demanded Ahab, when the boat drifted back.
  • 你可看到过白鲸么?等那只小艇慢慢地荡回来时,亚哈问道。
  • Think, think of thy whale-boat, stoven and sunk! Beware of the horrible tail!
  • 想一想,想一想你那只捕鲸小艇吧,船破人亡!当心那可怕的尾巴呀!
  • I tell thee again, Gabriel, that- But again the boat tore ahead as if dragged by fiends.
  • 我再对你说一遍,迦百列,那——但是,小艇仿佛被恶魔拖着似的,又向前冲去了。
  • Nothing was said for some moments,
  • 有好一阵子,什么话都不能说,
  • while a succession of riotous waves rolled by which by one of those occasional caprices of the seas were tumbling, not heaving it.
  • 汹涌的浪潮一阵紧接一阵地滚过去,这种偶然袭来的、毫无定性的海浪不是在向上冲,而是在整个的翻来卷去。
  • Meantime, the hoisted sperm whale's head jogged about very violently,
  • 这时,那只挂着的抹香鲸头也十分猛烈地抛来掷去,
  • and Gabriel was seen eyeing it with rather more apprehensiveness than his archangel nature seemed to warrant.
  • 人们看到迦百列用他那不是天使长的天资所控制得了的恐惧神色在望着它。
  • When this interlude was over, Captain Mayhew began a dark story concerning Moby Dick;
  • 波涛一平息,梅休船长就含含糊糊地讲起莫比-迪克的故事来;
  • not, however, without frequent interruptions from Gabriel, whenever his name was mentioned, and the crazy sea that seemed leagued with him.
  • 不过,这中间,还是免不了时时受到迦百列的干扰;而且每一提到他的名字,那狂妄的海洋好象就跟他联合一致行动起来。
  • It seemed that the Jeroboam had not long left home, when upon speaking a whale-ship,
  • 好象是在"耶罗波安号"离家后不久,有一回,在谈到一条捕鲸船的时候,
  • her people were reliably apprised of the existence of Moby Dick, and the havoc he had made.
  • 他们船上的人都确切无疑地知道有一条莫比-迪克和它所闯的大锅了。
  • Greedily sucking in this intelligence, Gabriel solemnly warned the captain against attacking the White Whale, in case the monster should be seen;
  • 迦百列贪婪地吸收了这种消息,一本正经地警告船长说,万一碰到这条白鲸时,可千万不能打它;
  • in his gibbering insanity, pronouncing the White Whale to be no less a being than the Shaker God incarnated;
  • 他以胡说八道的疯疯癫癫的神气,宣称这条白鲸正是震教神的化身;
  • the Shakers receiving the Bible.
  • 震教派是从《圣经》上得知这事情的。


Gabriel! Gabriel! cried Captain Mayhew; "thou must either-" But that instant a headlong wave shot the boat far ahead, and its seethings drowned all speech.

Hast thou seen the White Whale? demanded Ahab, when the boat drifted back.
Think, think of thy whale-boat, stoven and sunk! Beware of the horrible tail!
I tell thee again, Gabriel, that- But again the boat tore ahead as if dragged by fiends. Nothing was said for some moments, while a succession of riotous waves rolled by which by one of those occasional caprices of the seas were tumbling, not heaving it. Meantime, the hoisted sperm whale's head jogged about very violently, and Gabriel was seen eyeing it with rather more apprehensiveness than his archangel nature seemed to warrant.
When this interlude was over, Captain Mayhew began a dark story concerning Moby Dick; not, however, without frequent interruptions from Gabriel, whenever his name was mentioned, and the crazy sea that seemed leagued with him.
It seemed that the Jeroboam had not long left home, when upon speaking a whale-ship, her people were reliably apprised of the existence of Moby Dick, and the havoc he had made. Greedily sucking in this intelligence, Gabriel solemnly warned the captain against attacking the White Whale, in case the monster should be seen; in his gibbering insanity, pronouncing the White Whale to be no less a being than the Shaker God incarnated; the Shakers receiving the Bible.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
havoc ['hævək]


n. 大破坏,混乱 vt. 破坏

whale [weil]


n. 鲸
vi. 捕鲸
v. 鞭打,

frequent ['fri:kwənt]


adj. 经常的,频繁的
vt. 常到,常去

interlude ['intəlju:d]


n. 中间,中间时间,介在中间的事件

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

violently ['vaiələntli]


adv. 猛烈地,激烈地,极端地

warrant ['wɔ:rənt]


n. 正当理由,根据,委任状,准许
vt. 保





