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  • Chapter Sixteen The Chamber Of Secrets
  • 第十六章 密室
  • All those times we were in that bathroom, and she was just three toilets away,"
  • “当时我们就在那个盥洗室里,离她只隔三个抽水马桶,”
  • said Ron bitterly at breakfast next day, "and we could've asked her, and now... "
  • 第二天吃早饭的时候,罗恩苦恼地说,我们本可以问她的,“现在……”
  • It had been hard enough trying to look for spiders.
  • 这些日子,寻找蜘蛛就已经够他们受的了。
  • Escaping their teachers long enough to sneak into a girls' bathroom,
  • 要想长时间避开老师,溜进女生盥洗室,
  • the girls' bathroom, moreover, right next to the scene of the first attack, was going to be almost impossible.
  • 这个女生盥洗室不在别处,偏偏就在第一次攻击事件现场的隔壁——这简直是不可能的事。
  • But something happened in their first lesson, Transfiguration, that drove the Chamber of Secrets out of their minds for the first time in weeks.
  • 然而,就在上午第一节的变形课上,发生了一件事情,使他们几个星期来第一次把密室的事忘到了脑后。
  • Ten minutes into the class, Professor McGonagall told them that their exams would start on the first of June, one week from today.
  • 麦格教授走进教室刚刚十分钟,就告诉他们说,考试将于六月一日举行,离今天只有短短一个星期了。
  • "Exams?" howled Seamus Finnigan. "We're still getting exams?"
  • “考试?”西莫斐尼甘惨叫道,“我们还要考试?”
  • There was a loud bang behind Harry as Neville Longbottom's wand slipped, vanishing one of the legs on his desk.
  • 啷!哈利后面传来一声巨响,纳威隆巴顿的魔杖从手里滑落,使课桌的一条腿突然消失了。
  • Professor McGonagall restored it with a wave of her own wand, and turned, frowning, to Seamus.
  • 麦格教授用她自己的魔杖一挥,又把桌腿安了上去,然后她转过身来,朝西莫皱起了眉头。
  • "The whole point of keeping the school open at this time is for you to receive your education," she said sternly.
  • “在目前这种非常状态下,仍然没有关闭学校,目的就是为了让你们接受教育。”她严厉地说,
  • "The exams will therefore take place as usual, and I trust you are all revising hard."
  • “因此,考试仍像平时一样进行,我相信你们都会认真复习的。”


Chapter Sixteen The Chamber Of Secrets

第十六章 密室
All those times we were in that bathroom, and she was just three toilets away," said Ron bitterly at breakfast next day, "and we couldve asked her, and now... "
It had been hard enough trying to look for spiders. Escaping their teachers long enough to sneak into a girls' bathroom, the girls' bathroom, moreover, right next to the scene of the first attack, was going to be almost impossible.
But something happened in their first lesson, Transfiguration, that drove the Chamber of Secrets out of their minds for the first time in weeks. Ten minutes into the class, Professor McGonagall told them that their exams would start on the first of June, one week from today.

"Exams?" howled Seamus Finnigan. "We're still getting exams?"

There was a loud bang behind Harry as Neville Longbottom's wand slipped, vanishing one of the legs on his desk. Professor McGonagall restored it with a wave of her own wand, and turned, frowning, to Seamus.
"The whole point of keeping the school open at this time is for you to receive your education," she said sternly. "The exams will therefore take place as usual, and I trust you are all studying hard."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

sternly ['stə:nli]


adv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地

restored [ri'stɔ:d]


adj. 精力充沛的;精力恢复的 v. 修复(resto

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景


  • 第309期:阿拉戈克(20) 2017-01-06
  • 第310期:阿拉戈克(21) 2017-01-09
  • 第312期:密室(2) 2017-01-13
  • 第313期:密室(3) 2017-01-16
  • 第314期:密室(4) 2017-01-18
  • 发布评论我来说2句



