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胡敏读故事记托福单词 第228期:In lands of uproars and upheavals

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  • 228.In lands of uproars and upheavals
  • 第228课 在充满骚乱和动荡的国家
  • John Sanders has covered many exciting events over the years while writing as a freelance journalist.
  • 约翰·桑德斯作为自由撰稿记者,多年来报道了很多激动人心的事件。
  • Tired of his life back in Kansas, where everything had a boring and utilitarian end,
  • 他厌倦了堪萨斯的生活,那里的一切都带有令人乏味的功利主义目的。
  • he felt the urge to utilize his writing skills and his sense of adventure,
  • 他感到一种要利用写作技巧和冒险意识的冲动,
  • often going to poor, dangerous, and out of the way places to cover interesting events.
  • 他经常去贫困、危险、偏远地区报道有趣的事件。
  • While most of the world spends their time upgrading their travel plans,
  • 世上的大多数人都努力改善自己的旅行计划,
  • John is likely to turn in his train tickets for a spot between the humps of a camel.
  • 而约翰却愿意退掉火车票,换乘骆驼。
  • He has covered a variety of events, from violent urban uprisings to large-scale government upheavals.
  • 他报道过各类事件,从剧烈的城市起义到大规模的政府动荡。
  • He has interviewed a variety of personalities, including unwieldy congressmen, urbane urbanites,
  • 他采访过各种人物,包括难以对付的议员,彬彬有礼的城市居民
  • and those who have been uprooted from their homes for lack of basic utilities as various political uproars shattered their fragile governments.
  • 以及由于缺乏基本生活条件而背井离乡的人们,这是政治骚乱削弱了他们摇摇欲坠的政府防疫。
  • He witnessed the urgent need for food in Ethiopia,
  • 他目睹了埃塞俄比亚对食物的迫切需要,
  • and became upset as he witnessed the international community's lackluster performance in responding to the urgency of the situation.
  • 当他看到国际社会对这种紧急局势的反应表现得无能为力的时候,他感到焦虑。
  • He was in Germany when young students at the Berlin Wall ushered in a new era of unification.
  • 他在德国看到柏林墙边的年轻学生迎接统一的新时代。
  • He has seen dictators usurp power.
  • 他见过独裁者篡权夺位。
  • He has seen great leaders help their countries and greedy leaders turn their countries upside down.
  • 他见过伟大的领袖挽救国家,也见过贪婪的掌权者把国家搞得颠三倒四。
  • He knows more than anyone that utopian schemes are bound to fail.
  • 他比别人都更清楚,不切实际的理想主义方案注定要失败。
  • He has upheld the highest standards of journalistic integrity. He is fair and never utters slanderous statements.
  • 他维护了新闻道德的最高准则。能为人公正,嘴里从来不会冒出造谣中伤的言辞。
  • Though he is not often in his home country, when he does come home he visits his small hometown in Kansas.
  • 尽管他不常呆在自己的国家,但是每逢回国,他一定要去堪萨斯的家乡小镇。
  • He often travels upland to Chicago in order to visit additional family members.
  • 他时常走过山地去芝加哥,看望其他家人。
  • He is not a fan of urbanism and has rejected his family's pleas to urbanize.
  • 他并不热衷于城市生活方式,拒绝了家人迁往城市的请求,
  • "I just want to wander and write," he says. So far, he has done those two things superbly.
  • "我只想到处游荡,写写东西,"他说。迄今为止,两件事情他做得都非常出色。


228.In lands of uproars and upheavals

第228课 在充满骚乱和动荡的国家

John Sanders has covered many exciting events over the years while writing as a freelance journalist. Tired of his life back in Kansas, where everything had a boring and utilitarian end, he felt the urge to utilize his writing skills and his sense of adventure, often going to poor, dangerous, and out of the way places to cover interesting events. While most of the world spends their time upgrading their travel plans, John is likely to turn in his train tickets for a spot between the humps of a camel. He has covered a variety of events, from violent urban uprisings to large-scale government upheavals. He has interviewed a variety of personalities, including unwieldy congressmen, urbane urbanites, and those who have been uprooted from their homes for lack of basic utilities as various political uproars shattered their fragile governments. He witnessed the urgent need for food in Ethiopia, and became upset as he witnessed the international community's lackluster performance in responding to the urgency of the situation. He was in Germany when young students at the Berlin Wall ushered in a new era of unification. He has seen dictators usurp power. He has seen great leaders help their countries and greedy leaders turn their countries upside down. He knows more than anyone that utopian schemes are bound to fail. He has upheld the highest standards of journalistic integrity. He is fair and never utters slanderous statements.

Though he is not often in his home country, when he does come home he visits his small hometown in Kansas. He often travels upland to Chicago in order to visit additional family members. He is not a fan of urbanism and has rejected his family's pleas to urbanize. "I just want to wander and write," he says. So far, he has done those two things superbly.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
superbly [sju:'pə:bli]


adv. 壮丽地,极度地

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

shattered ['ʃætəd]


adj. 破碎的;极度疲劳的 v. 打碎;削弱;使心烦意

unwieldy [ʌn'wi:ldi]


adj. 笨重的,笨拙的

wander ['wɔndə]


vi. 徘徊,漫步,闲逛,迷路,蜿蜒

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

utilize ['ju:tilaiz]


vt. 利用





