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B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond!

A: And I'm Lin Yang.

B: Do you often work over time? Are you addicted to stress? Do you know what Karoshi means?

Let's take a closer look at this modern day disease and give you some tips on how to balance your work and social life.

A: 我们还要来看看特技演员的生活,还有男性和女性对待闲暇时间有什么不同!

B: Then in words and idioms we will learn what "rack one's brain" and "rant and rave" means!

A: All coming up on American English Mosaic!

B: Now let's go into our first segment, Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1804 stunt double

今天我们要学的词是stunt double. Stunt is spelled s-t-u-n-t, stunt, and double, d-o-u-b-l-e, double, stunt double. Stunt double 意思是特技演员,替身演员。 A former stunt double for Angelina Jolie launched a lawsuit against News Corp. 安吉丽娜.朱莉以前的一个替身演员对新闻集团提出起诉。超人“钢铁之躯”剧组主要演员之一克里斯托弗.梅洛尼在一次采访中说,He almost shot his stunt double. 他差点开枪误伤他的替身演员。Bruce Willis' long-standing stunt double Larry "the Ripper" launched the "Die Hard Workout." 长期饰演布鲁斯.威利斯替身的拉里.瑞宾克罗伊格推出了“虎胆龙威”健身法。今天我们学习的词是 stunt double, stunt double, stunt double...

B: Maybe I should go be the stunt double for superman! you know... a lot of my friends say that I kinda look like him from the side.

A: You have REALLY sweet friends then. 做人要有自知之明...

B: Hmm...yeah I can't argue with you when you are right.

A: Haha, well, 你还是有优点的嘛! I really envy your great memory! You have a memory like an elephant, and I have a memory like an ant...I racked my brain today and I still couldn't recall my online bank password...

B: That happens to everybody! With everything going electronic these days, it's impossible to keep it all straight! What you need to do is write them down on a piece of paper and keep the paper in a safe place.

A: What if I forget where I keep the paper?

B: Haha, then I can't help you anymore! Anyways, you just mentioned an idiom: rack one's brain, let's check it out in today's word's idioms!

Words and Idioms 859 RACK ONE’S BRAIN(S)

美国习惯用语 第 859 讲


M: Rack one's brain. Rack is spelled r-a-c-k, and brain; b-r-a-i-n. Rack-one's-brain.

大家都知道,Brain 是头脑的意思,前面加上动词 rack 意思就是挖空心思地努力想要记起、理解,或是解决某件事情。今天一大早,我就一直在努力回忆昨天那个专家推荐的机构的名称,I've been RACKING MY BRAIN ever since this morning, 可死活就是想不起来。我们一起听听下面这个人有什么高招。

M: "You probably have passwords for a wide variety of purposes, right? From a personal identification number to access your bank account to secret codes for your e-mail, webpage, and other on-line affiliations, your list keeps growing. But why struggle to remember all of these? Write them down in one secure place and then you won't have to RACK YOUR BRAIN anymore!"

这个人说: 你八成有很多各种各样的密码吧?从进入银行帐户、到登陆电子邮件信箱、网页等等,密码清单越来越长。干嘛非得都记在脑子里呢?把它们写下来,放在一个安全的地方不就完了?那就再也不用绞尽脑汁去记密码了。

这倒是个好主意,我甚至听说,有专门的网站让用户存放密码。不过,要登陆这个网站,想必也一定需要密码。HA HA! 好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "You probably have passwords for a wide variety of purposes, right? From a personal identification number to access your bank account to secret codes for your e-mail, webpage, and other on-line affiliations, your list keeps growing. But why struggle to remember all of these? Write them down in one secure place and then you won't have to RACK YOUR BRAIN anymore!"


M: "When I went to pick up my girlfriend, there was a note on the door. She wrote that she didn't want to see me anymore. Huh?! How could our relationship be over? I've been RACKING MY BRAIN trying to recall everything I've done and said lately. Instead of making me struggle, couldn't she at least let me know how I upset her?"

这个人说: 我去接我女朋友,发现门上有张条。条上说,她不想跟我交往下去了。我们怎么会就这么结束了呢?我绞尽脑汁,回想最近自己是不是做错了什么事,说错了什么话。她至少可以告诉我我什么地方得罪了她,让我不用这么百思不得其解。

我对此人深表同情,不管发生了什么,跟别人分手也应该有个说法。Rack one's brain 这个习惯用语可以追溯到十六世纪。Rack 是一种刑具,有点象五马分尸。除了 rack one' brain 外,大家还会经常看到 w-r-a-ck, wrack one's brain, 或是 rack one's brains, brains 用复数,意思其实都是一样的。好的,我们再来听一下上面那个例句。

M: "When I went to pick up my girlfriend, there was a note on the door. She wrote that she didn't want to see me anymore. Huh?! How could our relationship be over? I've been RACKING MY BRAIN trying to recall everything I've done and said lately. Instead of making me struggle, couldn't she at least let me know how I upset her?"

好的,这次 美国习惯用语 就到此结束了。

M: Until next time.

M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: 哎,这个乱放东西真是说到了我心上,我每天不是在找钥匙,就是在找手机,不然就是在找钱包....

B: You certainly need to find a better system for managing your personal effects. The fast pace of lifestyles of today makes things even harder. When there's no work-life balance, you are more likely to mess things up.

A: True. 压力大是现代白领的通病,好多人就这样一直处于亚健康状态!

B: Yep, but what does stress do to your mental and physical health?

A: Let's find it out in today's Business Etiquette!

礼节美语 Working Overtime I

星期五晚上,Jason 和 Wanda 准备下班,跟同事 Larry 说再见。

Jason: Goodnight, Larry! I'm heading home. It's been a long day.

Larry: Goodnight, Jason. Have a good evening.

Wanda: You're not going home, Larry?

L: Na...thought I'd try and finish up this project I've been working on.

J: But it's already 9:30! How many more hours do you plan to work?

L: Oh, I'd say this project will be done in six hours or so.

W: So you're going to work through the night? Larry...have you ever heard of "karoshi?"

Jason 准备下班回家,I'm heading home. Larry 却说要把手头项目做完 finish up the project. 当时已经九点半了,Larry 估计还要六个小时才能完事,所以一定要熬夜,work through the night. Wanda 问 Larry 听没听说过 karoshi.

L: Karaoke?

W: No...karoshi, the Japanese word for death by overwork! You've been putting in overtime every night this week!

J: You know, Wanda has a point. We all need some down time. If you put in too many hours, it can hurt your body and it can affect your work.

L: So people in Japan actually die from working too hard?

W: Yep. It's becoming a big problem. More than 100 people die from overwork in Japan every year.

原来,karoshi 是个日本词,意思是工作过度而死,俗称过劳死,Wanda 说,日本每年有一百多人过劳死,劝 Larry 不要太玩命 put in too many hours, 工作太长时间。Jason 也说,We all need some down time. 所有人都要劳逸结合,down time 就是放松的时间。

L: But I have so much to do, it seems the best way to get it all done is to plow through it until it's complete!

J: Well, that might seem like a smart way but you might be shooting yourself in the foot.

W: These days we are connected to each other with computers, cell phones and email...and that means work can find us at any time. If you're not careful, you'll never get time off!

Larry 说,自己永远有做不完的事,只能一点点去做完。Jason 警告他说,you might be shooting yourself in the foot. 这样做可能是在搬起石头砸自己的脚,因为现在有电脑、手机,工作随时随地会找上门来,如果不小心,you'll never get time off. 就永远没有时间休息。

J: Scientists say rest is one of the most important things a human brain needs. Did you know you will have more creative ideas if you are well-rested?

L: These days I hardly have any good ideas. I drink a lot of coffee and I always finish my work, but I'm not having many creative ideas.

W: Maybe that's because your brain is overloaded. You know how you have to "defragment" your computer? Well, sometimes our brains need some defragmenting, too!

科学家说,大脑需要休息,休息好了,就能有更多的创意,creative ideas. Wanda 也表示,不能让大脑负荷过重,overload, 人脑跟电脑一样,也需要 defragmenting清理清理。

A: Larry呢是个工作狂,经常put in too many hours, 工作时间过长。Jason说,大脑需要休息,人呢也need some down time, 需要放松的时间。Work overtime,加班是现代社会的一个问题,日本就有很多人Karoshi,因为工作过劳死。

B: That's terrifying. I try to separate my work and home lives. I try not to think about work while I'm hanging out with friends, and vice versa.

A: That's the ideal situation. But I find it hard to do considering how connected we are with emails, cell-phones, social media now. Work always finds its way to you.

B: Then it's time to turn off some of that technology when it's your down time! Let's keep listening to Jason and Wendy and see what tips they have!

礼节美语--Working Overtime II

星期五晚上,Jason 和 Wanda 劝同事 Larry 不要老加班,应该劳逸结合。Larry 却说,手头总有做不完的工作。

L: But I feel like I'm wasting time if I go home and watch TV...even if I'm reading a good book I still feel like I should be working!

J: You know Larry; you might be addicted to work.

L: Really? A person can get addicted to work?

J: Well, maybe it's not the same as being addicted to drugs, but many people believe you can get addicted to stress.

W: Yeah. If you find that you can't enjoy being at home and relaxing, it might be a problem.

Larry 说,如果回家去看电视、读书,就会觉得自己是在浪费时间。Jason 和 Wanda 都觉得,他简直是个工作狂 addicted to work。原来,除了毒品会让人上瘾,addicted to drugs, 工作和疲劳同样会让人上瘾,addicted to work and addicted to stress.

L: I guess I am a bit of a perfectionist. It irritates me when things aren't perfect.

J: Maybe you are too hard on yourself. If you were your own boss, would you demand such long hours?

L: No way...I think it would be illegal anyway.

J: Well then maybe you need to treat yourself better. You have to believe that you deserve to relax!

W: You not only deserve it, you need it. You know, I find that sometimes I have my best ideas in the strangest places. The last time I had a really great idea, I was scuba diving on vacation!

Larry 说自己的问题可能是过于追求完美。perfection 意思是完美,后面加上-ist, perfectionist 就是追求、崇尚完美的人。Jason 说 Larry 对自己过于严格 too hard on yourself,应该对自己好一些,treat yourself better.

L: But I want the boss to notice my devotion! The economy is not great these days and I don't want to get laid off!

W: Yeah, that's true. Some bosses do think the guy who puts in overtime is the most loyal. But smart bosses know that quantity is not as important as quality.

J: Besides, this is your job, not your life. You're too young to die of a heart attack!

L: Thanks guys! Your advice makes sense. I'm going to go home and have a nice long bath! See you on Monday!

Larry 说,自己加班也是为了让老板注意到自己的敬业精神,my devotion. devotion is spelled d-e-v-o-t-i-o-n, devotion. Wanda 却说,聪明的老板都知道,工作数量的重要性远远赶不上质量。Quantity is not as important as quality. 再说了,按 Jason 的话说,This is your job, not your life. 这毕竟是你的工作,不是你生活的全部。Larry 最后终于想通了,决定回家去,好好洗个热水澡。

A: Larry说,自己是个perfectionist, 追求完美的人,所以经常too hard on himself, 对自己要求过高。Jason说,他看起来addicted to work and addicted to stress, 是个工作狂,应该treat himself better, 对自己好一些。

B: I think it helps if you develop a hobby. I enjoy running and am currently training for Marathon. Exercise helps me relax and having a goal to reach helps keep me going!

A: That's true. 好啦,你正好说到了leisure time,今天我们的Learn a word就要来教教你这个词儿的用法!

B: Let's listen!

Learn A Word 1805 leisure time

今天我们要学的词是leisure time. Leisure is spelled l-e-i-s-u-r-e, leisure, and time, t-i-m-e, time, leisure time. Leisure time 闲暇时间。皮尤研究中心的报告显示,Although men and women spend roughly the same amount of time working each week, men tend to have more leisure time than woman. 虽然男性和女性每周工作时间大致相当,但是男性的闲暇时间比女性多。Without young children at home, men spend about 5 more hours of leisure time than women. 如果家里没有小孩子的话,男性比女性的闲暇时间多五个小时。When there are young children at home, the gap in leisure time drops down to three hours. 如果家里有小孩子的话,男性比女性多享受的闲暇时间就减少到了三个小时。今天我们学习的词是 leisure time, leisure time, leisure time...

A: Men have more leisure time than women even if they work the same amount of hours? That's weird...

B: I know why. Take you for example, because you are a clean freak, you are constantly cleaning at home while I'm relaxing watching TV....

A: That's called not being a caveman!

B: Haha, all right, at least you never rant and rave! That consumes a lot of energy too, from what I can tell from my sister...

A: Hahaha, I bet it's because she's around you! 你刚提到了一个俗语:rant and rave, let's check it out!

Words and Idioms 860 Rant and Rave

美国习惯用语 第 860 讲


M: Rant and rave. Rant is spelled r-a-n-t, and rave; r-a-v-e. Rant-and-rave.

Rant, r-a-n-t 和 rave, r-a-v-e, 都是指怒气冲冲地大喊大叫。让我无法理解的是,为什么有人情绪那么容易失去控制,比如上面说的那位太太,还有下面例子里的这个妈妈。让我们一起听听她儿子是怎么说的。

M: "So I flunked a quiz in history; I don't know why mom had to get so angry. She could have been more understanding. But instead of being cool, she RANTED AND RAVED about how I wasn't studying hard enough and would never go to college, and blah, blah, blah..."

这个人说: 我只不过是历史小测验不及格,真不明白妈妈干嘛那么生气。她本来应该表示理解,冷静一点儿,可她却没完没了地骂我,说什么我学习不够努力,肯定上不了大学之类的话。

还真不好说是谁的错。也许是妈妈说话,儿子不听;也有可能是妈妈脾气过于暴躁。我侄子以前就常说,上了大学,离开家,就不用再挨他妈妈的骂了,可如今,She still rants and raves, only now by texting. 她还是会通过发短信责骂他。看来,下次我去练瑜珈得带上姐姐,让她学会放松,别动不动就上火。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "So I flunked a quiz in history; I don't know why mom had to get so angry. She could have been more understanding. But instead of being cool, she RANTED AND RAVED about how I wasn't studying hard enough and would never go to college, and blah, blah, blah..."


M: "I'm glad our last foreman was let go. Every time some little thing went wrong on the assembly line, he was RANTING AND RAVING. The new guy is the complete opposite. He explains problems calmly, never getting agitated. I find his approach helps the team work a lot more effectively."

这个人说: 我们的上个工头被解雇,我真是太高兴了。每次组装线出点儿什么小问题,他都要没完没了地骂了这个骂那个。新来的这个工头完全两样,他总是心平气和地说明情况,从不着急上火。我发现他的这种方式使我们的工作效率提高了许多。

别人发火的时候,有时候越劝越糟。上星期六,邻居家开派对,一直闹到夜里三点,我老公睡觉本来就轻,被吵醒了好几回,更有甚者,其中一个客人的车竟然停在了我们家的私人车道上。星期天早上,My husband RANTED AND RAVED all morning. 我老公整个一上午都没好气。好的,我们再来听一下上面那个例句。

"I'm glad our last foreman was let go. Every time some little thing went wrong on the assembly line, he was RANTING AND RAVING. The new guy is the complete opposite. He explains problems calmly, never getting agitated. I find his approach helps the team work a lot more effectively."

大家可能会问,既然 RANT 和 RAVE 是一个意思,为什么还有把两个词连在一起用呢。这可能是因为这两个字都是 R 打头,压头韵吧。英语里很多绕口令都是压头韵的,比如说 Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers. 大家要不要试着连起来说上几遍?好的,这次 美国习惯用语 就到此结束了。

M: Until next time.

M: This has been Words and Idioms.

A: I've thought about trying to rant and rave at you to get more work done, but then I realize I can't change how a person naturally is.

B: Hmm, is that why you never come to work on time? Your just naturally late for everything?

A: 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

stunt [stʌnt]


n. 特技,阻碍成长 vt. 阻碍成长,表演特技

plow [plau]


n. 犁,耕地
vt. 耕犁,

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

lawsuit ['lɔ:sju:t]


n. 诉讼,控诉

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,





