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听力万花筒 第329期:泳坛传奇名将“鱼雷”索普严重感染 左手恐无法再用

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Australian Swimmer Ian Thorpe Treated for Infection
Media reports say that the competitive swimmer is at risk of losing his left arm.

We turn now to a serious medical threat, for one of the world's top athletes, superstar Olympian Ian Thorpe is battling infection that could end his career even cost his arm, ABC's Paula here with the details, Paula here, Thorpe likely got this infection actually in the hospital.
Yes, it's stunning exactly how he contracted that infection, Ian Thorpe is in an Australian hospital this morning receiving what were told is the best care possible, but even that might not be enough to prevent the former swimming champion from losing what he loves the most.
He is one of Michael Phelps biggest rivals with 5 Olympic gold medals and 22 world records, but this morning Ian Thorpe's future as a competitive swimmer could be sinking,the swimming legend is being treated in his native Australia for a dangerous infection, some media reports say the disease is similar to the potentially dealy mrsa infection and that is so bad, he might risk losing use of his left arm.
Ian has been very unlucky with all of his intent to get back into the pool.
Thorpe's agent James E telling the Australian associated press that the former champion is quite sick with the serious but not life threatening condition that he contracted at a Swiss hospital after a series of sholder surgeries.
Hospitals are incredibly dangerous places, that's where the bad bugs live, one in 25 people who go into the hospital will pick up an infection, a lot of them from surgery.
Thorpe is a hero in his native Australia where swimming is a national sport and the press follows his every move.
He is Michael Phelps, he is Michael Gordon, he is the biggest deal in Australian sports.
This is just the latest setback for a man who has been treading water since he retired in 2006, he failed in his attempt for a come back at the 2012 London Olympics, and earlier this year was treated for depression at a rehab facility.
Ian Thorpe this Olympic God, how sad that he is fighting this, that he is dealing with this infection, he is in a hospital bed, he has gone through a lot.
An irony that could knock this swimming great out of the water for good.
Now his management team tells us that he remains in good spirits considering the circumstances and hopes to be back on his feet soon, but you heard doctor B say that's where the bad bugs live in these hospitals.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫

irony ['aiərəni]


n. 反讽,讽剌,讽剌之事

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

intent [in'tent]


n. 意图,目的,意向,含义 adj. 专心的,决心的,

threatening ['θretniŋ]


adj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇





