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听力万花筒 第206期:超级台风“海燕”肆虐

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Super-Typhoon Cuts Trail of Destruction in Philippines

Officials say 10,000 feared dead from storm that destroyed 80 percent of everything in its path

This was it, Super typhoon Heiyin moving over the P this weekend, bringing with wind close to around 200 miles per hour, moving over the islands, turning that speed from 48 hours straight.Tonight humanities crisis of an enormal scope, this is what the typhoon is in the flight from the space streching from 300 miles wide. By senate estimates, the death toll is as many as 10,000, perhaps even more and this is what left behind. You can see the light of the destruction right there. The tree is still standing right there. Everything else, the path of the storm wipe away. Hundreds of thousands of family is homeless this evening, making their way through what is left so many simply looking for food for the children. This little girl in an grown-up's tattered T-shirts stands there over the table so many simply stun by the devadation around it. Tonight the international help is on the way, the disater rein being loaded on the plane, here is the latest time at this hour. At least 4 million people are affected,of course that terrific the death toll. The super typhoon destroy 80% of everything at its parth. ABC's by here with the science behind the strength of the storm. But first our team's reporting from the devasdation P is ABC's glorish in the P tonight. From N ,parts of the clo under water. The airport flattened, the roof demoslised, commercial planes to evacuate impossible. We do not have homes, we need food, light. Locals fled to the airport,desperate to escape. The military gave the parents with the youngest priority.I just want to show you right now this is the airport D , you can see the roof ripped off, debries. And lines of people who are coming here to to the airport. No garantee, they called them chances hopinf for a chance to get out. Force of increasing looding, Some officers are back, but they feel helpless. All of their evacuation stands are either callappsed or sustained huge amount of damage. So really people, really living in the open area, the people also really need food and water.Everyone starts to lut in order to get any kind of food. Sea 130 aircraft are landing, bring in emergency suppliers. Typhoon Heiyin ricked habit across this pvis . The damage sever, the challenge now getting to those who need help the most. For so many here still searching for their loves ones, it seems there is only heartache.Thanks to G with nice chancers looking for a chance of this people at the airport left was the Ginj with this now So you have been tracking so many this part of the world, now hurricans allowed people to say this is the euqivilent to a catergory five, and a strong one. Typhoon is a cyclone, Things are differen in different parts of the world. You know hurricans the ,but David fisrt I want to show you this picture because it really gives an idea of of this huge heavy bones pushed ashore, and what was happening in the strong strom. Either, we do not have concret no scientifically,we know at least 135 miles per sustained winds up to 195 miles Atlantic fall makes this, are potentially NO 1 historically on the planet storm because it whn you finally want to be that. What astonish me is buzzes svice to going to P in 48 hours at that strength, at least catergory 5. That is wild to think of cause we have them a diray right away, the storm research, at least 50-60 at some points of 25,that would fear a second storey building.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sever ['sevə]


v. 切断,脱离,分开

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

cyclone ['saikləun]


n. 旋风,飓风,气旋,旋风分离器

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

evacuation [i.vækju'eiʃən]


n. 撤离,疏散 n. 排泄,排泄物

aircraft ['ɛəkrɑ:ft]


n. 飞机

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

sustained [səs'teind]


adj. 持久的,经久不衰的

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的





