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- And you will definitely have your share of setbacks. Count on it. Your best laid plans will be consumed by obstacles.
- 你们肯定会遇到挫折。要想到这一点。你们深思熟虑的计划可能因为挫折而泡汤。
- Your excellence ideas will be peppered with flaws.
- 你们卓越的想法难免会有瑕疵。
- You will be confronted with financial strains as your loans become due and salaries fall short of both expectations and expenses.
- 当你们的贷款到期、工资低于期望值而且不能满足花费时,你们将会遇到财务紧张的情况。
- You will make mistakes that will shatter your confidence.
- 你们难免会犯错误,这将摧毁你们的自信心。
- You will make compromises that will test your convictions.
- 你们难免会妥协,这将挑战你们的信念。
- You will find that there is rarely a clear and direct path to any of your visions.
- 你们将会发现,几乎没有一条道路会明朗而直接地通向理想。
- And you will find that you'll have to readjust again and again and again.
- 你们将会发现不得不再三调整。
- And there may be times when you wonder whether it's all worth it. And there may be moments when you just want to quit.
- 也许你们在某些时刻怀疑自己的理想是否有价值。也许在某些时候,你们想放弃。
- But in those moments, those inevitable moments, I urge you to think about this day. Look around you.Look around you.
- 但是在那些时候,在那些不可避免的时刻,我希望你们回想一下今天。看看你们周围。
- There are thousands of hardworking people who have helped you get to this point,
- 看看这成千上万为帮助你们走到今天而努力工作的人,
- people who are celebrating with you today, who are praying for you every single day,
- 还有今天和你们一起庆祝的人,每一天都为你们祈祷的人,
- and others who couldn't be here, for whatever reason.
- 以及不管出于什么原因不能来到这里的其他人。
- I want you to think of the people who sacrificed for you—you know that—
- 我要你们想想那些为你们做过牺牲的人——你们知道——
- family members who worked a third job to get you through, who took on the extra shifts to get you through,
- 他们就是你们的家人,为了让你们顺利毕业,他们身兼三职;为了让你们顺利毕业,他们加班加点地工作;
- who put off doing something important for themselves to get you to this day.
- 为了你们能达到今天的成就,他们将自己的大事一拖再拖。
And you will definitely have your share of setbacks. Count on it. Your best laid plans will be consumed by obstacles. Your excellence ideas will be peppered with flaws. You will be confronted with financial strains as your loans become due and salaries fall short of both expectations and expenses. You will make mistakes that will shatter your confidence. You will make compromises that will test your convictions. You will find that there is rarely a clear and direct path to any of your visions. And you will find that you'll have to readjust again and again and again. And there may be times when you wonder whether it's all worth it. And there may be moments when you just want to quit.

But in those moments, those inevitable moments, I urge you to think about this day. Look around you. Look around you. There are thousands of hardworking people who have helped you get to this point, people who are celebrating with you today, who are praying for you every single day,and others who couldn't be here, for whatever reason. I want you to think of the people who sacrificed for you—you know that—family members who worked a third job to get you through, who took on the extra shifts to get you through, who put off doing something important for themselves to get you to this day.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201303/228694.shtml