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阎老师翻译小讲堂 第10期:这个真的要火啊!

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


This notice is really a smash hit or it may immediately set the world on fire!

信阳网讯 2012年12月21日,星期五,传说中的世界末日,你会怎么过?在办公室继续敲键盘还是与家人一起度过?12月6日,信阳市某妇科医院的一则“世界末日”的放假通知引起了众多网友们的围观,在各大论坛和微博上被迅速转发和评论。网友们纷纷跟帖称:“这个真的要火啊!”

Source:xyw.gov.cnOn December 21, 2012, another Friday, which is spoofed as the End Of The World (or Doomsday), how could you live by? Could you still continue to type the keys back at home with your family? On December 6, a Gynecological [gainəkə'lɔdʒikəl] Hospital in Xinyang City released such a holiday notice concerning the so-called Doomsday, have attracted the wide attention from netizens, which gained the widespread retransmission at all major forums and Weibos and drew endless comments. Some netizens even jested: “This notice is really a smash hit or it may immediately set the world on fire!”


This notice goes like this, December 21, 2012, is wildly rumored as the doomsday, which is just around the corner, so our hospital makes the following decision based on the meticulous deliberation: Holiday Schedule for 2012: the special holiday starts from December 19 until December 21, three days all told. In addition, detailed instructions are attached thereto: During this special holiday, our working staff is kindly requested to stay at home to keep company with their family; Unmarried staff will try to immediately tie the knot with your beloved ones, and the hospital shall be liable for giving the newly-wed staff a red envelope (something like a windfall); In addition, they are also requested to store up more food and protect themselves against the cold weather, etc.


Subsequently, the media went to all lengths to contact the initial poster of the Weibo message and the hospital for checking up the ins and outs of the news, but to no avail.


(1)smash hitn. 非常受欢迎的书, 十分流行的歌曲, 轰动的演出;His latest record was a smash hit within a week of being released. 他最近的一张唱片发行一个星期就非常受人欢迎。

(2)set the world on fire :(infml 口) be very successful and cause great excitement 极为成功并引起轰动: She does the job adequately but she's not going to set the world on fire! 她工作做得不错, 但也不会有什么惊人之举!

文章关键字: 讲解 新闻 脱口秀 阎老师




