Unit 12 Shelly the scientist
Shelly saw it a mile away.
A big,
fat bumblebee.
She kept her distance.
Already today she had been stung twice.
The bees were attracted to the sweet smell of the rare and exotic flowers.
Their pink and yellow petals seduced the bees.

But bees were not the only ones seduced by these flowers. Scientists, such as Shelly, traveled all over the world in search of these flowers. It has been proven that the pollen had cancer-curing properties. With only a small dose of this pollen, people with cancer had a better chance of survival.
But, there was only one problem. The nectar from the flower was poisonous. Shelly and her co-worker had to use extreme caution. If the nectar so much as touched one's skin, it developed into an itchy rash that spread and blistered all over the body.
There was no known cure for rash. It was a dangerous job, but for the good of humanity, Shelly accepted the ob and saw it not only as an adventure, but also as a way to help people all over the world.
【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201211/207004.shtml