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小故事背诵达人 第101期:Diving With Dolphins

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  • Unit 4 Diving With Dolphins
  • 第4单元 和海豚一起潜水
  • Dan's Dolphin Diving offered the best dolphin-spotting tours in all of Hawaii.
  • 丹的海豚潜水团所安排的海豚主题旅行是全夏威夷
  • That's what the ad in the local newspaper said.
  • 最棒的—当地报纸如此写道,
  • Michelle called Dan's and booked a trip for two for the following day.
  • 于是蜜雪儿打给丹预订了隔天的双人旅游。
  • Michelle and John were on their honeymoon and they were looking for a little adventure while they stayed in Maui.
  • 蜜雪儿和约翰正在度蜜月,想要在茂伊岛度假期间来点小小的冒险。
  • What could be better than swimming with dolphins?
  • 还有什么比和海豚一起游泳更棒的事吗?
  • Dan helped Michelle with her wetsuit, and then helped her into the water. John followed suit.
  • 丹帮蜜雪儿穿上保温潜水服,再帮她潜入水中;约翰也跟着穿上潜水服。
  • It wasn't long before they saw two dolphins.
  • 他们没多久就看到两只海豚在玩耍。
  • They were playing. From the boat, Dan threw out some fish and the dolphins came closer.
  • 丹从船上丢一些食物下来让海豚游近一点。
  • Michelle reached out her hand and gently touched the fin of one of the dolphins.
  • 蜜雪儿伸出她的手,轻柔地触摸着其中一只海豚的鳍;
  • It was soft and slippery. It felt a little like velvet.
  • 海豚的鳍摸起来又软又滑,感觉有点像天鹅绒。
  • John took a picture with his underwater camera.
  • 约翰则用他那台水中照相机拍照。
  • The two dolphins squawked at each other. They weretalking, Michelle thought to herself.
  • 这两只海豚互相嘎嘎地叫着,蜜雪儿心想它们应该是在交谈。
  • She watched them swim around the boat.They were as graceful as dancers.
  • 她看着它们在船边游来游去,动作就像舞者一样优雅。
  • Michelle wanted to swim away with them. But Dan's tours only lasted four hours.
  • 蜜雪儿很想和它们一起到处游,可是丹安排的旅行只有四小时,
  • It was time to go. Michelle thanked the dolphins for making her honeymoon special.
  • 时间也差不多到了。蜜雪儿感谢海豚给了她一个特别的蜜月旅行。


Unit 4 Diving With Dolphins

第4单元 和海豚一起潜水

Dan's Dolphin Diving offered the best dolphin-spotting tours in all of Hawaii. That's what the ad in the local newspaper said. Michelle called Dan's and booked a trip for two for the following day. Michelle and John were on their honeymoon and they were looking for a little adventure while they stayed in Maui. What could be better than swimming with dolphins?


Dan helped Michelle with her wetsuit, and then helped her into the water. John followed suit. It wasn't long before they saw two dolphins. They were playing. From the boat, Dan threw out some fish and the dolphins came closer.


Michelle reached out her hand and gently touched the fin of one of the dolphins. It was soft and slippery. It felt a little like velvet. John took a picture with his underwater camera. The two dolphins squawked at each other. They weretalking, Michelle thought to herself.


She watched them swim around the boat. They were as graceful as dancers. Michelle wanted to swim away with them. But Dan's tours only lasted four hours. It was time to go. Michelle thanked the dolphins for making her honeymoon special.


【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

fin [fin]


n. 鳍,鱼翅,鳍状物,散热片,五元纸币 vt. 装上鳍

slippery ['slipəri]


adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

graceful ['greisfəl]


adj. 优雅的





