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河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 15 Danny Grows Grain!

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  • Lesson 15: Danny Grows Grain!
  • Date: March 28.Weather: Warmer today.
  • It was twenty degrees!
  • Dear Diary, I have not written in my diary for a week.
  • I have a lot to write about today!
  • In school last week, we wrote a report about agriculture.
  • Agriculture is about growing plants and animals for food.
  • Too help us learn about plants, we planted some seeds.
  • I planted a wheat seed.
  • The seed I planted has grown.
  • I watered it well.
  • It sprouted after a few days.
  • Soon, it grew a stem and a leaf.
  • Now something new is growing at the top of the stem.
  • My teacher told me that it's the wheat's flower.
  • It does not look like a flower, but it is!
  • Later, the head will ture into wheat seeds.
  • Its seeds are called" grain." My teacher says that we use grain to make flour.
  • I'm going to look after my wheat.
  • I will put the pot outside in the sun.
  • I will cover it when the weather is cold.
  • Then I will have grain.
  • I will make the grain into flour.
  • Then I will bake something.
  • Will I make bread?
  • No. Will I make cake?
  • No. I will make donuts!
  • Danny ... mmmmm ... donuts ...


Lesson 15:
Danny Grows Grain!
Date:March 28
Weather:Warmer today.
It was twenty degrees!
Dear Diary,I haven't written in my diary for a week.
I have a lot to write about today!
In school last week,we wrote a report about agriculture.
Agriculture is about growing plants and animals for food.
Too help us learn about plants,we planted some seeds.
I planted a wheat seed.
The seed I planted has grown.I watered it well.
It sprouted after a few days.
Soon,it grew a stem and a leaf.
Now something new is growing at the top of the stem.
My teacher told me that it's the wheat's flower.
It doesn't look like a flower,but it is!
Later,the head will ture into wheat seeds.
Its seeds are calledgrain.
My teacher says that we use grain to make flour.
I'm going to look after my wheat.
I will put the pot outside in the sun.
I will cover it when the weather is cold.
Then I will have grain.I will make the grain into flour.
Then I will bake something.Will I make bread?
No.Will I make cakeNo.I will make donuts!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

wheat [wi:t]


n. 小麦,小麦色

stem [stem]


n. 茎,干,柄,船首
vi. 起源于





