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- Chapter 29 Girls can never have enough shoes.
- 第29章 女孩子们的鞋总是不够穿。
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- 你有多少双鞋 ?
- I have four pairs of summer shoes. I have one, two, three......I have five pairs of slippers.
- 我有四双夏天穿的鞋子。我还有一、二、三 ,我一共有五双拖鞋。
- You have more pairs of slippers than you have shoes?
- 你的拖鞋比鞋还多。
- Not exactly. The slippers are for winter. I have four pairs of shoes I wear in the summer but for the winter I have about three pairs of shoes: two pairs of boots and one pair of everyday shoes.
- 不。我的拖鞋是冬天才穿的。夏天我有四双鞋,但冬天我只有三双鞋:两双靴子和一双普通的鞋子。
- No, wait. I must have more than three because I also have hiking shoes. I have two pairs of winter sports shoes. That means I have more than four pairs of winter shoes. I guess for every season, I wear more than four pairs of shoes. Even that doesn't seem like enough.
- 不,不止三双,我还有一双郊游鞋,两双冬天穿的运动鞋。那意味着我冬天不止有四双鞋。我想,每个季节,我的鞋子都不止四双,但即使那样也不够。
- It is never enough for women. I have two pairs of dress shoes and two pairs of sport shoes.
- 鞋子对女人来说永远都不够。我有两双皮鞋和两双运动鞋。
- You can never have too many. I like wearing different shoes every day. I think when I go home, I will wear different slippers every day, too. That should lift my spirits. Every day brings something new and I like a change of scene.
- 永远都不够。我喜欢每天穿不同的鞋。我觉得我回家的时候,每天也要穿不一样的拖鞋。那可以让我心情愉快。每天都有新气象,我喜欢变化。
Chapter 29 Girls can never have enough shoes
David : How many pairs of shoes do you have?
You :I have four pairs of summer shoes. I have one, two, three......I have five pairs of slippers.
我有四双夏天穿的鞋子。我还有一、二、三 ,我一共有五双拖鞋。
David : You have more pairs of slippers than you have shoes?
You :Not exactly. The slippers are for winter. I have four pairs of shoes I wear in the summer but for the winter I have about three pairs of shoes: two pairs of boots and one pair of everyday shoes.
You :No, wait. I must have more than three because I also have hiking shoes. I have two pairs of winter sports shoes. That means I have more than four pairs of winter shoes. I guess for every season, I wear more than four pairs of shoes. Even that doesn’t seem like enough.
David : It is never enough for women. I have two pairs of dress shoes and two pairs of sport shoes.
You :You can never have too many. I like wearing different shoes every day. I think when I go home, I will wear different slippers every day, too. That should lift my spirits. Every day brings something new and I like a change of scene.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201209/200110.shtml