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留学生在中国 第14期 Cooking Style 烹饪方式

编辑:Amosway   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 14 Different food styles between northern and sonthern China.
  • 第14课中国北方和南方饮食方式的差异。
  • As a foreigner, I traveled around China and noticed that the cuisine in the north and south is very different. There is a great variety of food in China.
  • 作为一个外国人,我游历了中国的很多城市。我发现北方和南方的食物风格很不同。中国的食物种类真是太多了。
  • There are so many places where people live in China. People from these different places have different life styles and food.
  • 中国人口分布很广,不同地区的人有着不同的生活,饮食习惯。
  • The produce of different places might not even be the same. So people make different types of food depending on different ingredients and different cooking styles.
  • 各地的特产也不同,那么不同的原料,不同的烹饪方法就使得人们做出的食物也大不相同。
  • Well, what is the biggest difference between northern and southern food?
  • 嗯,那你认为北方和南方食物最大的区别在什么地方?
  • Maybe our cooking styles. Even though they use the same ingredients, northern and southern people will prepare their local food differently. The cooking style.
  • 烹饪方法吧。即使用一样的原料作出来的食物也不会相同,因为烹饪方法不同。
  • Can you give me an example?
  • 能举个例子吗?
  • Take fish for example. If northern people cooked the fish, maybe they would add a lot of ingredients and cook the fish in some sauce.
  • 就说鱼吧。北方人做鱼时要放很多佐料,然后把鱼放在料里炖。
  • But southern people might just add ginger and boil the fish. Their meal may taste lighter than northern food.
  • 南方人做鱼时,一般只放一些姜;这样做出的鱼一般比较清淡。
  • Sounds like northern and southern cuisine are quite different.
  • 听起来南北的烹饪方法是很不一样的。


David:As a foreigner, I traveled around China and noticed that the cuisine in the north and south is very different. There is a great variety of food in China.

You:There are so many places where people live in China. People from these different places have different life styles and food. The produce of different places might not even be the same. So people make different types of food depending on different ingredients and different cooking styles.
David:Well, what is the biggest difference between northern and southern food?
You:Maybe our cooking styles. Even though they use the same ingredients, northern and southern people will prepare their local food differently. The cooking style.
David:Can you give me an example?
You:Take fish for example. If northern people cooked the fish, maybe they would add a lot of ingredients and cook the fish in some sauce. But southern people might just add ginger and boil the fish. Their meal may taste lighter than northern food.
David:Sounds like northern and southern cuisine are quite different.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍





