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背诵为王第四册 Unit32 约翰·亨利

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  • 32 John Henry.
  • 32 约翰·亨利。
  • John Henry is one of the famous heroes of American folklore.
  • 约翰·亨利是美国民间传说中一位著名的英雄人物。
  • He worked on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad toward the end of the nineteenth century.
  • 他于19世纪末在切萨皮克和俄亥俄铁路上工作。
  • John Henry was very strong. He made his mark in history because he could work harder and faster than any other man on the railroad.
  • 约翰·亨利非常强壮。他之所以名垂史册是因为他比铁路上的任何其他人工作更努力更快。
  • Curious people came from far and wide to see him hammer steel spikes through the hard earth.
  • 好奇的人们从四面八方赶来看他用锤子把铁钎打入坚硬的土地。
  • When the Big Bend Tunnel was started, trouble began.
  • 大本德隧道开始修建的时候遇到了困难。
  • The mountain seemed impossible to get through.
  • 看起来没有可能打通大山了。
  • The men who were building the railroad bought a new invention, a drilling machine, to try to speed up the tunneling.
  • 开发商将新发明的钻机买了回来,以加快开凿隧道的速度。
  • The other railroad workers welcomed the machine, but not John Henry.
  • 其他的铁路工人都很欢迎这种机器,但是亨利不喜欢。
  • He stubbornly insisted he could work harder and faster than any machine.
  • 他固执地认为自己工作起来比任何机器更努力更快。
  • "I'll die with a hammer in my hand, before I let a machine make a fool out of me," he said.
  • “我宁可手拿锤子死去,也不愿受机器的愚弄。”他说。
  • And so a competition was planned.
  • 于是,人们策划了一场比赛。
  • It would last for 45 minutes, or until one of the competitions gave up.
  • 比赛将持续45分钟,或者到比赛的一方放弃为止。
  • The winner would be the man or machine who had drilled fartherest into the rock.
  • 胜者将是在岩石上开凿距离最远的一方。
  • Hundreds of people went to Big Bend to watch this great attraction.
  • 成百上千的人来到大本德观看这场引人注目的比赛。
  • After 30 minutes, the machine broke down, but John Henry kept right on working for 45 minutes.
  • 30分钟后,机器因故障停了下来,但约翰·亨利没有停,他一直工作了45分钟。
  • The machine had drilled only nine feet. John Henry, 15 feet.
  • 机器仅开凿了9英尺,而约翰·亨利开凿了15英尺。
  • He had won a great victory, but the effort had been too much.
  • 他大获全胜。然而这个努力的代价太大了,
  • As the song goes, "He died with the hammer in his hand, Lord, Lord ... died with the hammer in his hand."
  • 正如歌中所唱,“他手拿锤子死去了,主呀,主呀,他手拿锤子死去了。”


Lesson32 John Henry

John Henry is one of the famous heroes of American folklore. He worked on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad toward the end of the nineteenth century.
John Henry was very strong. He made his mark in history because he could work harder and faster than any other man on the railroad. Curious people came from far and wide to see him hammer steel spikes through the hard earth.
When the Big Bend Tunnel was started, trouble began. The mountain seemed impossible to get through. The men who were building the railroad bought a new invention, a drilling machine, to try to speed up the tunneling. The other railroad workers welcomed the machine, but not John Henry. He stubbornly insisted he could work harder and faster than any machine. "I'll die with a hammer in my hand, before I let a machine make a fool out of me," he said.
And so a competition was planned. It would last for 45 minutes, or until one of the competitions gave up. The winner would be the man or machine who had drilled fartherest into the rock. Hundreds of people went to Big Bend to watch this great attraction.
After 30 minutes, the machine broke down, but John Henry kept right on working for 45 minutes. The machine had drilled only nine feet. John Henry, 15 feet. He had won a great victory, but the effort had been too much. As the song goes, "He died with the hammer in his hand, Lord, Lord ... died with the hammer in his hand."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hammer ['hæmə]


n. 锤,榔头
vi. 锤击,反复敲打

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

invention [in'venʃən]


n. 发明,发明物,虚构,虚构物

tunnel ['tʌnl]


n. 隧道,地道
v. 挖隧道,挖地道

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的



adv. 倔强地;顽固地

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





