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Text:Among them are John Adams, Patrick Henry, and a gentleman landowner from Virginia named George.At a time when our lordly masters in Great Britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, it seems highly necessary that something should be done to maintain liberty. Across New England, people prepare to defend themselves. Smuggled arms are collected and stashed in secret hideaways. But while many expect conflict, most delegates in Philadelphia want peace with Britain. A military action would make a wound that would never be healed. That's good, we don't have all day, let's go, come on. The First Continental Congress resol ves that a British attack on any one colony will be regarded as an attack on all of them. What emerges at Philadelphia is solidarity. The distinctions between Virginians,Pennsylvanians, New Englanders, and New Yorkers are no more. I'm not a Virginian. I am an American. The future of the 13 American colonies hangs in the balance.Spring 1775. Near Concord, Massachusetts. Get in here, get those weapons stacked up. We haven't got all day. Local gunsmith Isaac Davis puts the town militia through basic training. The American patriots knew that they were doing the right thing. You're starting the birth of a nation. You had to really believe in what you were doing. You've gotta keep this clean here, sir. If you keep that clean, it'll save your life. If war comes, this will be America's first line of defense. A volunteer home guard with weapons paid for by local citizens. Gentlemen, it's looking good, it's looking good. Let's have some breakfast and move out. They're farmers, blacksmiths, and store owners. A fightin g force of ordinary Americans. The militiamen of any of the colonies were made up of just its citizens. It was a citizen -based protection unit. And some of them had some skills, but some of them were just the carpenters. Some of them were just the mason or the blacksmith. I mean, these were the guys that-- they had something at stake to protect their colony. So they started to form together, just trying to help protect each other. Every town across the colonies has its own militia,but now they're preparing to defend themselves against the British Army. Better than yesterday, better than yesterday. For six generations across Massachusetts, men are expected to serve as militiamen. In Massachusetts, 1/3 of all men between 16 and 50 are ready to bear arms at a minute's notice. Excellent, good shot. We keep this up, we're gonna give those redcoats a scare, all right?《美国简史》系本纪录片历史背景
译文:他们中有约翰·亚当斯,帕德里克·亨利和来自弗吉尼亚的乡绅乔治·华盛顿。当大不列颠颐指气使的主人们不彻底剥夺我们美国人的自由就不愿罢休的时候,行动起来保卫自由成为当务之急。整个新英格兰地区人们准备奋起自卫,走私枪械被集中藏在隐蔽地点。不过,与许多民众期待战争的心理相反,大多数费城会议的代表希望与英国和解,军事行动会造成永远无法愈合的创伤。好了,没时间了,我们走。第一次大陆会议达成决议,英国对任一北美殖民地的攻击将被视为对全体殖民地的攻击。费城会议沉浸在团结的气氛之中,弗吉尼亚人,宾夕法尼亚人,新英格兰人,纽约人之间的界限将不复存在。我不是弗吉尼亚人,我是美国人,13个北美殖民地的未来悬于一线。1775年春,马萨诸塞州康科德近郊。进来,把这些武器码起来,没时间了。当地枪械工匠艾萨克·戴维斯正在对镇民兵进行基本训练。威廉·博迪特[美国海军陆战队一级军士长]:“这些爱国者知道他们从事的是正义的事业,要创立一个新的国家,必须要有执着的信念。”先生,你得让这儿保持干净。做到这一点能保住你的命,一旦开战,这里将是美国的第一道防线。由当地民众雇佣的武装志愿兵队伍,先生们,不错,不错,吃完早餐后就出发。他们中有农民,铁匠和店主,一支美国平民组成的战斗力量。理查德·麦克·马克威茨[军事专家 前海豹突击队队员]:“所有殖民地的民兵都直接来自当地市民,是市民组成的保卫团体,他们中有懂得作战技巧的人,但也有只会木匠活的木工和身无旁技的石匠和铁匠。实际上,他们保卫殖民地的行为也是出于对自身利益的捍卫,他们就这样走到了一起,大家守望相助。所有殖民地市镇都拥有自己的民兵组织,他们现在有了新的任务,保卫家园不受英军侵犯。比昨天好,比昨天好。对这六代马萨诸塞人而言,男丁参军被视为义务。在马萨诸塞,16至50岁的男人有三分之一能够在战争打响的第一时间拿起武器参战。太棒了,很准,我们保持这个水准,让那些英国兵瞧瞧我们的厉害。背景知识:波士顿倾茶事件(下)

Text:Among them are John Adams, Patrick Henry, and a gentleman landowner from Virginia named George.At a time when our lordly masters in Great Britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, it seems highly necessary that something should be done to maintain liberty. Across New England, people prepare to defend themselves. Smuggled arms are collected and stashed in secret hideaways. But while many expect conflict, most delegates in Philadelphia want peace with Britain. A military action would make a wound that would never be healed. That's good, we don't have all day, let's go, come on. The First Continental Congress resol ves that a British attack on any one colony will be regarded as an attack on all of them. What emerges at Philadelphia is solidarity. The distinctions between Virginians,Pennsylvanians, New Englanders, and New Yorkers are no more. I'm not a Virginian. I am an American. The future of the 13 American colonies hangs in the balance.Spring 1775. Near Concord, Massachusetts. Get in here, get those weapons stacked up. We haven't got all day. Local gunsmith Isaac Davis puts the town militia through basic training. The American patriots knew that they were doing the right thing. You're starting the birth of a nation. You had to really believe in what you were doing. You've gotta keep this clean here, sir. If you keep that clean, it'll save your life. If war comes, this will be America's first line of defense. A volunteer home guard with weapons paid for by local citizens. Gentlemen, it's looking good, it's looking good. Let's have some breakfast and move out. They're farmers, blacksmiths, and store owners. A fightin g force of ordinary Americans. The militiamen of any of the colonies were made up of just its citizens. It was a citizen -based protection unit. And some of them had some skills, but some of them were just the carpenters. Some of them were just the mason or the blacksmith. I mean, these were the guys that-- they had something at stake to protect their colony. So they started to form together, just trying to help protect each other. Every town across the colonies has its own militia,but now they're preparing to defend themselves against the British Army. Better than yesterday, better than yesterday. For six generations across Massachusetts, men are expected to serve as militiamen. In Massachusetts, 1/3 of all men between 16 and 50 are ready to bear arms at a minute's notice. Excellent, good shot. We keep this up, we're gonna give those redcoats a scare, all right?

译文:他们中有约翰·亚当斯,帕德里克·亨利和来自弗吉尼亚的乡绅乔治·华盛顿。当大不列颠颐指气使的主人们不彻底剥夺我们美国人的自由就不愿罢休的时候,行动起来保卫自由成为当务之急。整个新英格兰地区人们准备奋起自卫,走私枪械被集中藏在隐蔽地点。不过,与许多民众期待战争的心理相反,大多数费城会议的代表希望与英国和解,军事行动会造成永远无法愈合的创伤。好了,没时间了,我们走。第一次大陆会议达成决议,英国对任一北美殖民地的攻击将被视为对全体殖民地的攻击。费城会议沉浸在团结的气氛之中,弗吉尼亚人,宾夕法尼亚人,新英格兰人,纽约人之间的界限将不复存在。我不是弗吉尼亚人,我是美国人,13个北美殖民地的未来悬于一线。1775年春,马萨诸塞州康科德近郊。进来,把这些武器码起来,没时间了。当地枪械工匠艾萨克·戴维斯正在对镇民兵进行基本训练。威廉·博迪特[美国海军陆战队一级军士长]:“这些爱国者知道他们从事的是正义的事业,要创立一个新的国家,必须要有执着的信念。”先生,你得让这儿保持干净。做到这一点能保住你的命,一旦开战,这里将是美国的第一道防线。由当地民众雇佣的武装志愿兵队伍,先生们,不错,不错,吃完早餐后就出发。他们中有农民,铁匠和店主,一支美国平民组成的战斗力量。理查德·麦克·马克威茨[军事专家 前海豹突击队队员]:“所有殖民地的民兵都直接来自当地市民,是市民组成的保卫团体,他们中有懂得作战技巧的人,但也有只会木匠活的木工和身无旁技的石匠和铁匠。实际上,他们保卫殖民地的行为也是出于对自身利益的捍卫,他们就这样走到了一起,大家守望相助。所有殖民地市镇都拥有自己的民兵组织,他们现在有了新的任务,保卫家园不受英军侵犯。比昨天好,比昨天好。对这六代马萨诸塞人而言,男丁参军被视为义务。在马萨诸塞,16至50岁的男人有三分之一能够在战争打响的第一时间拿起武器参战。太棒了,很准,我们保持这个水准,让那些英国兵瞧瞧我们的厉害。













重点单词   查看全部解释    
protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

deprivation [.depri'veiʃən]


n. 剥夺,免职,匮乏,丧失,夺去

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

colony ['kɔləni]


n. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落

militia [mi'liʃə]


n. 民兵组织,义勇军,国民军





