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小故事背诵达人第31期:Twenty-one kind faces

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 9 Twenty-one kind faces
  • 第9单元 二十一张友善的面孔
  • Yesterday was one of my most challenging days of backpacking ao far.
  • 昨天是我到目前为止徒步旅行最具挑战性的一天。
  • First, a little girl tan up and pinched me!
  • 先是有个小女孩跑来捏我一把!
  • Then, not even five minutes later, some boys made a game out of throwing dirt at me.
  • 然后不到五分钟一些男孩恶作剧对我丢泥土。
  • I was lost and wishes to see a kind face.
  • 我迷了路,想看到一张友善的面孔。
  • I spotted a restaurant and went in to rest my feet and fill my belly,
  • 我发现了一家餐厅,打算进去歇脚,饱腹一餐,
  • but a toothless man who shouted"No tables!" stopped me at the door.
  • 可是有个满口无牙的人大喊,“没有空位!”在门口就挡住我。
  • I peered past him to see a half empty restruant.
  • 我打量他背后,有一半的位子是空的。
  • With the little pride, I had left.
  • 我感到羞辱转身离开,
  • I wented back to the hotel.The following morning, I jumped on a ferry and left the city.
  • 回到旅馆,第二天早上便搭船离开这个城市。
  • During the journey I met a man from Denmark who was travelling with a Vietnamese family of twenty people.
  • 在旅途中,我遇到一个丹麦人,他和二十个人的越南大家族一起旅行。
  • After we exchange stories, he excused himself.
  • 我们交换彼此的旅途故事,之后他离开片刻,
  • Minutes later, he returned smiling and said he and his family would like to take me in for the night.
  • 回来时满脸笑意,并说他和他的家人愿意收留我一晚。
  • I eargerly accepted and giggled thinking I only wished for one kind face, and now I have twenty-one!
  • 我热切地接受,暗自窃喜,我当初只是希望看到一张友善的面孔,没想到现在却看到了二十一张!


Unit 9 Twenty-one kind faces

第9单元 二十一张友善的面孔
Yesterday was one of my most challenging days of backpacking ao far. First, a little girl tan up and pinched me! Then, not even five minutes later, some boys made a game out of throwing dirt at me.
I was lost and wishes to see a kind face. I spotted a restaurant and went in to rest my feet and fill my belly, but a toothless man who shouted"No tables!" stopped me at the door.
I peered past him to see a half empty restruant. With the little pride, I had left. I wanted back to the hotel. The following morning, I jumped on a ferry and left the city. During the journey I met a man from Denmark who was travelling with a Vietnamese family of twenty people.
After we exchange stories, he excused himself. Minutes later, he returned smiling and said he and his family would like to take me in for the night. I eargerly accepted and giggled thinking I only wished for one kind face, and now I have twenty-one!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂

tan [tæn]


n. 黝黑,棕褐色
v. 晒黑,鞣(革),使晒

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心





