英语日常口语 Unit93:An old friend calls老朋友的电话
英语日常口语 Unit93:An old friend calls老朋友的电话本单元是关于老朋友的电话的对话Tim: Hello? Janet: It's Janet Hall here. Tim: Janet! How did you get my number?Janet: Oh, a bit of detective work and2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit92:The cost of living生活费
英语日常口语 Unit92:The cost of living生活费 本单元是关于生活费的对话Tim: So how are you settling in then Khalid? Khalid: There is going well Tim. You've all been really friendly, footy in the park2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit91:The truth about the watches手表真相
英语日常口语 Unit91:The truth about the watches手表真相本单元是关于手表真相的对话Police 1: Could you just sign here please? Tim: Yeah, sure. Can I do anything else to help? Police 1: I think we have2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit90:Khalid moves in 搬进公寓
英语日常口语 Unit90:Khalid moves in 搬进公寓本单元是关于搬进公寓的对话Tim: Where do you want this bag, Khalid? Helen: Khalid, what shall I do with these books? Khalid: Just put everything over there,2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit89:The boss's plan老板的计划
英语日常口语 Unit89:The boss's plan老板的计划本单元是关于老板的计划的对话Boss: Would you like to hear it? You'll like it, I promise! Tim: I'm listening... Boss: Look Tim, my little plan could get2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit88:Hot water热水
英语日常口语 Unit88:Hot water热水本单元是关于热水的对话Boss: Look Tim, it looks like we're in a bit of hot water here. Tim: We? You mean you're in hot water. I haven't done anything. This is your2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit86:Another date再一次约会
英语日常口语 Unit86:Another date再一次约会本单元是关于再一次约会的对话Paul: I'm pleased everything's out in the open now Alice. I didn't like hiding things from you. Alice: You should have told me2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit85:Talking to the police警察询问
英语日常口语 Unit85:Talking to the police警察询问本单元是关于警察询问的对话Police 1: So sir: a number of fake watches have been handed in to us over the last few months, and almost all of them have b2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit84:A visit from the police来自警察局的询问
英语日常口语 Unit84:A visit from the police来自警察局的询问本单元是关于来自警察局的询问的对话Police 1: You see sir, we've received a complaint from a Mr Hall about a gentleman's watch that you sold2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit83:The rent房租
英语日常口语 Unit83:The rent房租本单元是关房租的对话Helen: Dad, Khalid likes the room, and he wants to move in, but he wants to know if you can knock a bit off the rent.Helen's dad: Helen, you know2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit82:A tour of the flat看公寓
英语日常口语 Unit82:A tour of the flat看公寓本单元是关于看公寓的对话。Helen: So that's Tim's room, the bathroom's over there, and your bedroom is here. It's got a desk and chair and all that, so2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit81:Hello stranger和陌生人攀谈
英语日常口语 Unit81:Hello stranger和陌生人攀谈本单元是关于和陌生人攀谈的对话Khalid: Hello, stranger! Helen: Ooh, hi Khalid! How are you? It's been ages, hasn't it?Khalid: I know! I haven't seen yo2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit80:Skating on thin ice铤而走险
英语日常口语 Unit80:Skating on thin ice铤而走险本单元是关于铤而走险的对话Alice: Are you enjoying yourself, Helen? Helen: Do you know what? I'm having a really good time. Thanks for dragging me out,2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit79:Stop moping不要愁眉苦脸
英语日常口语 Unit79:Stop moping不要愁眉苦脸本单元是关于不要愁眉苦脸的对话Helen: Hey guys. Alice: Hey Helen! Tim: Hey Helen, good day?. Helen: Not really...Tim: Look Helen, I'm going to call a spade2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
英语日常口语 Unit78:Not much luck运气不佳
英语日常口语 Unit78:Not much luck运气不佳本单元是关于运气不佳的对话Helen: ... no, no, that's ok, thanks for calling ... I hope you'll find somewhere soon - bye!Tim: Was that another call about the2007-08-25 编辑:alex 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

