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来源:铅笔英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

As I was saying, I sometimes wake up before the alarm, usually because of some noise outside the house-a car door slamming, an alarm going off, gunfire-well, okay, not gunfire, but man, is my neighborhood noisy! Of course, when I'm staying in a hotel, it's usually easier to just get a wake up call from the hotel than set the alarm.
I'm not really an early riser, so I don't jump out of bed ready to take on the world. I get up very slowly, usually one foot on the floor at a time. Every once in a while I'll oversleep, but not too often. I really love the weekends, when I can sleep in.
1.Slam 用力甩I slammed the door and left. 我甩了门就走了。
2.wake-up call 叫醒起床-He missed his flight because the hotel forgot to give him a wake-up call. 他没赶上他的飞机,因为酒店忘记给他打电话叫醒他了。
3.Set the alarm 定闹铃- Don't forget to set the alarm. I have a early fight to catch. 别忘了定闹铃,我要赶早班机的。
4.early riser 早起的人 -Because Peter is an early riser, he usually makes breakfast for his wife so that she can sleep a little later. 因为皮特起的很早,所以他早晨都给他老婆做早饭,所以她能多睡一会。
5.Once in a while 偶尔- Once in a while, I put my work down and play computer games. 偶尔,我放下工作,然后玩一点游戏。 oversleep 睡过头了 - Peter overslept and missed his biology exam. Do you think his professor will let his take it another day? 皮特睡过头了,错过了生物考试,你觉得教授会让他改天重考吗? sleep in 睡懒觉-Teenagers love to sleep in on weekends. Sometimes they don't wake up until noon! 青少年喜欢周末睡懒觉,有时候直接睡到中午。


1. I tried to lose myself in work, but every time I stopped to think


I tried to lose myself in work, but every time I stopped to think

1)发音 + 停顿

2)lose oneself in 沉浸于
例句:Peter loses himself in his children when he is at home.
例句:When I lose myself in my work, time just rushes by.

3)Lose 必备其他搭配
lose one's accent/get rid of one's accent - It took me a long time to lose my accent.
Lose weight - There's no quick fix to lose weight. The only way to do it is to exercise.
Lose sleep over something - I'm not gonna lose sleep over anything. Nothing matters except being happy.

2. I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I was afraid she'd go spontaneously deaf.


I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I was afraid she'd go spontaneously deaf.

1)单词:Couldn't/to/afraid (见语音)

2)not bring oneself to do something 不能逼迫自己做自己不喜欢的
例句:He was so ashamed that he couldn't bring himself to tell his mother the truth. 他感觉很羞耻,完全不愿意告诉他妈妈真相。
例句:Because of the way they are raised, they can't bring themselves to clean their own houses. 因为他们从小就没干过这个,所以他们不愿意自己打扫房间。

3)bring 必备其他搭配
bring it up 提起- I don't want to talk about this any more. Please don't bring it up again.
BYOB- bring your own booze/beer
Be brought up - I was brought up in China.

3. What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so nuts?


What is wrong with you? Why are you acting so nuts?

1)What is wrong with you? 语气(见语音)
2)Are 略读

2)Act + adj. 表现的
例句:I don't know why you're acting so weird tonight. 我不知道你今天晚上怎么这么奇怪。

3)nuts 必备其他搭配
Are you nuts?
Drive someone nuts/crazy
扩展:thick -He's so thick. He has no idea what we're talking about.

三、生活表达 + 习语俚语
1.Just checking. 我就是随口问问。
类似: Just asking./Just a thought. /Never mind.

2. I'll survive. 没事,我撑得住。
例:Are you alright? I'll survive. Thanks. 你还可以嘛? 没事,我撑得住,谢谢。

3. I got plummy. 我起褶子了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

spontaneously [spɔn'teiniəsli]


adv. 自发地,自生地,自然产生地


关键字: 口语一期 高频动词




