让美国人、世界上很多人都没想到的结果发生了;特朗普当选新一任美国总统。今天,Jenny, Spencer带你了解:为什么特朗普赢了?为什么民调、媒体完全没有预测到这个结果?是哪些人投票给特朗普?他们为什么支持他?
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States: 特朗普击败希拉里,成为下一届美国总统
It was a major upset: 万万没想到的结果
A lot of people are upset because of the upset victory: 这个结果让很多人都很气愤
No one expected it: 大家都没想到
Shocked, depressed, stunned: 震惊、沮丧、完全出乎意料
Victory speech: 胜选演讲
Concession speech: 败选演讲
Concede the election: 承认败选
Trump's victory speech: 特朗普获胜演讲片段
"It's time for us to come together as one united people": 现在是时候让我们重新团结起来
Trump's victory speech was quite toned-down: 特朗普的胜选演讲还是比较克制的
Popular vote: 普选票,个人选民票
Electoral vote: 州选举人票
In the American system, the electoral vote counts: 在美国的体系中,总统大选结果由州选举人票决定
Rural America: 美国乡村
The forgotten men and women of America: 被遗忘的美国人
White working class Americans: 底层蓝领白人
They feel left behind by globalization and the elite class: 他们感到被全球化、精英阶级遗忘
Their lives have gotten worse: 他们感到自己的生活水平在不断下降
They feel looked down on by the elite class as uneducated, stupid: 觉得精英阶级非常看不起他们,老说他们没文化、愚蠢
They are deeply dissatisfied with the system: 他们对体制深深的不满
They want change, a major shake-up: 他们想要一个彻底的颠覆
Democratic Party: 民主党
Republican Party: 共和党
The Democrats used to be the party of the working class: 民主党以前代表工人阶级
The Republicans were the party of the business class:共和党代表企业、生意人
Now, the Democrats are the party of the educated liberal elites: 现在,民主党代表了受高等教育的自由派、精英阶级
They embrace globalization and benefit from it: 他们拥抱全球化,是全球化的受益者
People voting for Trump are deeply dissatisfied with the system and both parties: 特朗普的支持者对制度深感不满,对两党、建制派都不满
They just want change: 他们就是要颠覆、改变
They were very mobilized to vote for Trump: 他们的情绪都动员、转化为选票
People on the other side of the spectrum didn't transform their feeling to votes: 但是持不同意见的人并没有积极去投票
Swing states/battleground states: 摇摆州,通常这些州会左右总统大选的结果
Rust belt: 钢铁带,美国东北部萧条的老工业区
Key battleground states went for Trump: 核心摇摆州都摆向了特朗普
White working-class voters felt alienated by globalization and cultural change: 蓝领白人选民感到被全球化和美国社会、文化上的变化孤立
Hillary's concession speech: 希拉里败选演讲片段
"We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead": 我们欠特朗普一个机会,让他好好领导。
"Go out to see the world, learn about the world and open up your mind is one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your society."