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Losing Weight 减肥-绝望的主妇

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I want macaroni.
  • 我要吃通心粉。
  • Hey, I'm not a short-order cook. I don't have time to make different meals for everyone.
  • 嘿,我可不是快餐店厨子。我没时间给每个人做不一样的饭。
  • It comes in a box. It's not that hard.
  • 那是快餐,没这么难。
  • Okay, look. Mommy needs to lose a few pounds, and it's not easy eating healthy with you two in front of me, scarfing down all the good stuff. So what do you say? You want to help mommy be beautiful again?
  • 好吧,听着,妈妈要减几磅肉。粗茶淡饭的时候看你们吃香喝辣、大快朵颐真的很痛苦。怎么样?想帮妈妈再次变漂亮吗?
  • No.
  • 不。
  • You got a lot of nerve. Part of the reason I'm on this diet is because carrying you 2 brats for 18 months made mommy fat! And you with the head-you ruined me! So this is how ifs gonna go down. You're gonna eat fish with mommy, and you're gonna like it. Got it? Thank you.
  • 你胆子不小啊。我今天这样一部分原因就是因为怀你们俩18个月发福了。还有你这大头--你毁了我!所以政策如下。你们要和妈妈一起吃鱼,不许抱怨,听到没?谢谢。


Juanita: I want macaroni.

Gaby: Hey, I'm not a short-order cook. I don't have time to make different meals for everyone.
Juanita: It comes in a box. It's not that hard.
Gaby: Okay, look. Mommy needs to lose a few pounds, and it's not easy eating healthy with you two in front of me, scarfing down all the good stuff. So what do you say? You want to help mommy be beautiful again?
Juanita: No.


Gaby: You got a lot of nerve. Part of the reason I'm on this diet is because carrying you 2 brats for 18 months made mommy fat! And you with the head-you ruined me! So this is how ifs gonna go down. You're gonna eat fish with mommy, and you're gonna like it. Got it? Thank you.




