A:Bill, I'm expecting a big increase in turnover with the coming of the Mid-Autumn Festival. But wholesales are unwilling to supply my orders unless I pay them an advance of 50% of the full price, for my business is fairly new. I hope that you can make me an advance on loan.
B:Do you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as security?

A:No. I should be grateful if you could see your way to make an advance against my personal reputation. You may inspect my accounts. From my accounts you can see that I've promptly met all my obligations.
B:We do not allow any request for a loan against personal security. This is a common regulation. But we may consider it if you can provide a reliable guarantor.
A:Yes, I can. You know Mr. Macready, the famous car dealer here in New York. He agreed to act as my guarantor of a loan in the sum of US l0,000 until the end of this year.
B:Good. He is a man of high standing. I think we can grant the loan you need after some further discussion. But I suggest you borrow on overdraft instead of on loan.