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出国旅游情景会话:住宿篇 >
- 100.Personal Belongings Stolen
- 100.私人物品失窃
- Good arftemoon.madam.How can l help you?
- 下午好,夫人,我能帮您吗?
- Someone has stolen my cell phone.
- 有人偷了我的手机。
- I am sorry to hear that.Would you mind coming with me to my coffice and tell me what exactly happoned there?
- 很抱歉,您能跟我到我的办公窒告诉我到底发生了什么事吗?
- OK.I left my cell phone in my room this morning before I want out.When l come back it was gone.l have looked every where in my room and I can't find it.
- 好的。早晨在我出去之前,我把手机留在了房间里。当我回来的时候手机就不见了。我找遣了房间可是仍没找到。
- Well,in that case.I will call the manger,you can talk directht with him.
- 嗯,那样的话,我会给经理打电话的。您可以直接和他谈。
Personal Belongings Stolen
Good arftemoon.madam.How can l help you?
Someone has stolen my cell phone.
I am sorry to hear that.Would you mind coming with me to my coffice and tell me what exactly happoned there?
OK.I left my cell phone in my room this morning before I want out.When l come back it was gone.l have looked every where in my room and I can't find it.
Well,in that case.I will call the manger,you can talk directht with him.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/kouyu/201507/385743.shtml